Page 6 - Geoffrey Budworth - Les Noeuds
P. 6

First published ln  1997 by Hamlyn
                    an imprint of Reed International Books Limited
                   Michelin House, 81  Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB
                   and Auckland, Melbourne, Singapore and Toronto                                                            so
                    Copyright ©  Reed International Books Ltd 1997
              Ali  righrs reserved. No part of thls work may be reproduced or
              utilized in any rOml or by any means, electfonic Of  mechanical,
             including photocopying, recordll1g or by any information storage
              and retrieval system. wirhout the prior written permission of the                                              répertoire
                        Publishing Dlrector  Laura Bamford
                           Executive Editor  Simon Tuite
                           Projecr Editer  Katie Cowan
                    Editors  Tracey Beresford and Caroline Bingham
                            Art Dlrector  Keith Martin
                         Executive Art Editor  Mark Stevens
                      Design  Town Group Censultancy Umited
                            Illustration  Line and Une
                           Pholography  Gary Latham
                            Production  Mark Walker
                        Itre original; The Hamlyn book ofknors

                   ©  1997 KONEMANN Verla9Sgeselischaft mbH
                        Banner Str  26,0-5096  Cologne
                    Traduction de l'anglais: Françol-e Fauchet
                    Réalisation: Atelier Brigitte Arnau  , Paris

                              Imprimé en Chine
                             ISBN 3-82900331 -5

                              Dépôt légal: 1998



                                                                                                                              la  guilde·

                                                                                                                              des faise

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