Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8
Learning need accommodation
Not long ago, eLearning was mostly seen as a
collection of technologies intended to augment Digital Content accessibility
long-distance learning and improve classroom
experience; these days, however, online learning Digital marketing
is increasingly being considered as a viable
alternative to the traditional path of learning. Activity tracking
Prior to the global financial crisis of 2008, Automation & Precision
eLearning was mostly focused on master degrees,
extra credit, and certificate programs that
appealed to working adults; nowadays, it is the
need of time, not only limited to the education Low
sectors but to the large corporates who prefer
digital learning over the conventional learning
Olearned LMS platform brings Flexibility, ease of Cost & Over head expenses
interaction, and accessibility to the digital learning
materials that are often cited as being the greater Environment friendly; CO2 emissions
advantages of online learning manage. It cuts
down tuition & other learning over head costs that Chance of errors & mistakes
Why Learning learners who prefer the digital campus to the Time consumption
are becoming the most important factors among
physical campus.
Traditional learning practices
Management System