Page 207 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
P. 207

 February 3, 1869, Letters Sent, Roll 1.
108. UnitedStatesArmy,DescriptionofMilitary Posts (Washington: War Department, 1870), p. 239
(hereafter cited as USA, Military Posts).
109. MooretoAAAG,March16,21,1869,Letters Sent,Roll1. LittlecameofMoore’sexpeditionthat
took a month and traveled.1,241 miles.
110. Steele to AAAG, April 5, 1869, ibid.
111. Moore to John Davis, July 18, 1869, ibid. 112. MooretoAAAG,July24,1869,ibid.
113. DanL.Thrapp,VictorioandtheMimbres
Apaches (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974),
p. 100.
114. Myers, Ho, p. 196.
115. Ibid., pp. 200-225.
116. Ibid., pp. 226-227.
117. Ibid. pp. 228-232. The discrepancy between
the claim that the stage stations were still unoc- cupied and the previous information that the facilities had been repaired is unresolved. Perhaps thisportionoftheroutewasoneofthesectionsthat was changed.
118. Moore to AAAG, February 3, 1869, Letters Sent, Roll 1. Moore wanted the house to use for the laundresses, or have Samuel Jones remove the house.
119. AccordingtoFouttstoCorbett,August17, 1867, ibid., a Mark Herring had been employed at the post as a guide. His discharge was directed on this date for selling fresh beef to civilians, which was against the rules.
120. Moore to AAG, April 1, August 26, Septem- ber 23, Steele to AAAG, May 24, Steele to Jones, June 20, 1869, Letters Sent, Roll 1.
121. Moore to AAAG, September 23, 1869, ibid. 122. USA, Military Posts, p. 239.
123. Hedberg to AAAG, October 14, 1869, Letters
Sent, Roll 1.
124. Ryan to Davis and Burella, December 7, 1869,
125. Bureau of the Census, Federal Census
Population Schedules, Ninth Census (1870), New Mexico, Micro-copy No. 593, Roll No. 893 (hereafter cited as Census, 1870). That summer, the census listed 186 people in Los Mimbres, later called RioMimbres. Thiswasmostlikelytheformer Mowry City. Newsham’s decision to relocate was a good one. In the Grant County Herald, March 13, 1875, p. 3:4, he reported that he had 1,000 head of
beef cattle, work-stock and wagons of all kinds, and everythinganyprospectororminerwanted.
126. Miller, California Column, p. 269; Wilson, Post Returns, p. 31; Todsen, Letter to the Author.
127. Hedberg to Mason, March 29, 1870, Letters Sent, Roll 1.
128. Lansing Bartlett Bloom, “Bourke on the Southwest,” New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. 9 (Jan., 1935), p. 41.
129. Ibid., pp. 43, 55-56.
131. Hedberg to Kobbe, April 23, 1870, Letters
Sent, Roll 1; Miller, California Column p. 144. ,
132. “Silver City Museum,” Silver City: Four His- toric Scenic Tours (Silver City: Grant County Cham- ber of Commerce, 1988), n.p.
133. Census, 1870.
134. FitchtoKobbe,May17,1870,LettersSent, Roll 1.
135. Myres, Ho, p. 196.
136. Ibid., pp. 255-285.
137. Ryan to Post Trader, July 12, 1870, Letters
Sent, Roll 1. 138.FitchtoW.V.B.Wardwell,October21,1870,
139. Miller, California Column, pp. 131-132; Las
Cmces Borderer, March 1, 1871, p. 4:6.
140. Hedberg to AAAG, Fort Leavenworth,
January 10, 1871, Fitch to Lyons, February 9, 1871, Letters Sent, Roll 1.
141. Todsen, Letter to the Author.
142. Thomas Matthouse Pearce assisted by Ina Sizer Cassidy and Helen S. Pearce (eds.), New Mexico Place Names (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1965), p. 97, mentioned that a Mexican family was massacred here in 1870, but this has not been confirmed.
143. Steelhammer to Griggs, July 23, 1872, Letters Sent, Roll 1, offered a high probability that “Kyn- tuck” was W. T. Fleming.
144. Las Cmces Borderer, March 16, 1871, 1:1-4. 145. Ibid., March 23, 1871, p. 1:3. 146.RobertMarshallUtley,TheIndianFrontierof
the American West, 1846-1890 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984), p. 139.
147. Las Cmces Borderer, May 4, 1871, p. 1:1.
Chapter 6
Ulysses Simpson Grant, Executive Order,
April 29, 1870, Las Cruces BLM, Fort Cummings file. “UnconditionalSurrender”Grant’sname,al- tered in later years at the academy, was actually Hiriam Ulysses Grant.

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