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 1. C. A. Carrath (comp.), Business Directory of Arizona and New Mexico for 1897 (Las Vegas, New Mexico: Daily Examiner Printing & Binding Estab- lishment, 1897), p. 110. This source also claimed that, at this peak, there were 100 people living at Cooks. This can hardly be accurate because the Bureau of the Census, Federal Census Population Schedules, Twelfth Census (1900): New Mexico, Micro-copy No. T623, Roll No. 1000 (hereafter cited as Census, 1900), lists at least 230, not counting the ranchers and freighters and their families. However the statement by the McDaniel sisters in the Deming Graphic, October 31, 1968, p. IB, that there were 1000 men working at the mines would seem perhaps excessive. They also claimed that the non-Anglo
laborers were Indians from Mexico who carried the ore from the mines using bags and tumplines.
2. In some family histories the move is reported as having taken place in 1884.
3. Virginia Measday and George Pete Measday (eds.), History ofLuna County, New Mexico - Supple- ment 1 (Deming: The Luna County Historical Society, Inc., 1982), pp. 14-15 (hereafter cited as
Measday and Measday, Supplement).
4. Jean LaPorta (ed.), History of Luna County
(Deming: Luna County Historical Society, Inc., 1978) p. 90 (hereafter cited as LaPorta, Luna County).
5. Deming Herald, December 2, 1902, p. 1:2; Jean LaPorta, Luna County, p. 93; Census, 1900.
6. Elizabeth Hyatt, Note in Deming-Luna County Mimbres Museum Archives, (February 1985) p. 3 (hereafter cited as Hyatt, Note to Museum); Elizabeth Hyatt, “Riley George,” Deming-Luna County Mimbres Museum Archives, (October 1987), p. 1 (hereafter cited as Hyatt, “Riley George”); Deming Graphic, October 28, 1968, p. 5:3.
7. It is not known whether George’s spring (denoted on present day maps as Riley Spring) was contaminated with the lead oxides so prevalent in and around Cooks.
8. LaPorta, Luna County, pp. 88-89; Bureau of the Census, Federal Census Population Schedules, Thirteenth Census (1910): New Mexico, Micro-copy No. T624, Roll No. 915 (hereafter cited as Census, 1910). Tinnell’s older brother’s given name was
9. Hyatt, Note to Museum, p. 3; Hyatt, “Riley
George,” p. 1; Census, 1910. Elizabeth Riley Hyatt married Leedrue Benton Hyatt, grandson of the family patriarch of Cooke’s Peak, and currently resides in Deming, New Mexico.
10. Deming Graphic, January 19, 1912, p. 3:1, February 2, 1912, p. 3:1; Deming Headlight, February 9, 1912, p. 2:1, February 16, p. 1:1; Judicial District Court, Luna County, Entry No. 457 (November 23, 1912), p. 230; Jean LaPorta, Luna County, p. 93. Winnie McDaniel survived until July 10, 1942.
12. Deming Graphic, October 31, 1968, p. 3B; La- Porta, Luna County, p. 89.
13. Hyatt, “Riley George,” p. 1.
14. MeasdayandMeasday,Supplement,pp.13-14; Deming Herald, March 10, 1903, 1:3; Deming Graphic, June 17, p. 8:3, November 18, 1903, p. 8:2. Other identified children included sons John E., George L. (or S.), Fred I., James M., and Tommy, and daughters Ruth and Hattie.
15. Morris Bien, Letter to the General Land Office Commissioner, Las Cruces BLM, Fort Cummings File, October 3, 1894.
16. National Park Service, Trail Guide to Fort Bowie, Fort Bowie National Historic Site (Tucson: Southwest Parks and Monuments Association,
1987), p. 23; Robert Marshall Utley, A Clash of Cultures: FortBowieandtheChiricahuaApaches (Washington: National Park Service, 1977), p. 83.
17. Thomas Matthouse Pearce assisted by Ina Sizer Cassidy and Helen S. Pearce (eds.), New Mexico Place Names (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1965), p. 94; Works Projects Administration, Inventory of the County Archives of New Mexico - No. 15 Luna County (Deming (Albu- querque: The New Mexico Historical Records Sur- vey, 1942), pp. 3, 5.
18. Ibid., p. 5. It was not until 1915 that the Luna County commissioners agreed to pay Grant County six percent annual interest on the debt until bonds could be issued to settle the obligation.
Endnotes- Chapter8
Hyatt, “Riley George,” p. 1. It is not clear
whether Hyatt placed his own brand or George’s X Bar on the calves, but it would probably be safe to assume the former.

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