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 querque: University of New Mexico Press, 1972), p. 172.
69. George B. Griswold, Mineral Deposits ofLuna County, New Mexico (Socorro: State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico In- stitute of Mining & Technology, Campus Station, 1961), pp. 95-96.
70. Measday and Measday, Supplement p. 60. ,
71. Frank E. Welch, Letter to New Mexico, Vol. 15 (July, 1937), p. 6. In Harry Gunderson, Letter to the Author, February 1, 1988, Gunderson indicated that he had spent two weeks at Fort Cummings in 1918 while on Detached Service radio duty. Harry, though deaf, still plays the bugle at Fort Bayard every Memorial Day.
72. Actually, referring to John Philip Wilson (ab.), Fort Cummings, New Mexico - Abstract of Monthly Post Returns October 1869 - September 1886 (Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico, 1970), p. 20, this was
probably the well put down in February 1868.
73. B. H. Gibbs, Report to Government Land Office Commissioner, May 23, 1917, Las Cruces
BLM, Fort Cummings File.
74. WinnersoftheWest,May24,1924.
75. Jim Lundy, Personal Interview, April 26, 1984.
Lundy was in charge of 18 instructors at the Air Base. An on-site survey by the author disclosed heavy shrapnel fragments indicating that perhaps not all the bombs were dummies.
76. E. Viet Howard, Metalliferous Occurrences in New Mexico (Santa Fe: State Planning Office, 1967), pp. 63-64; Henry Louis Jicha, Jr., Geology and Mineral Deposits of Lake Valley Quadrangle, Grant, Luna and Sierra Counties, New Mexico (Socorro: State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Campus Station, 1954), p. 64.
Chapter 8

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