Page 63 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
P. 63
84. Harlan Hague, The Road to California: The Search for a Southern Overland Route, 1540-1848 (Glendale: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1978), pp. 254-256; Jackson, Wagon Roads, p. 20; Peterson, et al., Trail Guide, pp. 31- 34. Again there is a significant discrepancy in the number of men that apparently departed Santa Fe and the final contin- gent that turned west from the Rio Grande. Also there is substantial evidence that the point of depar- ture and exact route from the Rio Grande to Cooke’s
Spring, depicted by Peterson, et al., is in error.
85. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 146. This route should not be confused with the “Old Spanish Trail” that connected Santa Fe to California by an entirely different route. What was referred to here was evidently the tracks created in 1780 by De Anza in his attempt to find a better road from Santa Fe to Sonora and probably followed in 1832 by David
86. Golder, Bailey, and Smith, Henry Standage, p.
183; David Pettigrew, Autobiography of David Pet- tigrew, (no date), Mormon Battalion Papers, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, p. 83; Senate Reports, Execu- tive Document 2, p. 16. This water reservoir, located by Cooke’s interpreter, Dr. Stephen G. Foster, and estimated by Cooke to contain 55,000 gallons of water, has since been reported “lost.” A field trip to Jug Canyon confirmed that location as the one visited by Abraham Bell in October 1867 and also quite probably Foster’s Hole.
87. Thomas Dunn, Journal of Thomas Dunn, 1846, Mormon Battalion Papers, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, pp. 11-12.
88. Philip St. George Cooke, The Conquest of New Mexico and California (Oakland: Biobooks, 1952), p. 66;Coray,Journal,n.p.
89. Rogers, Journal, p. 100.
90. Williams, Diary, p. 37.
91. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, p. 101. Boyle,
Journal, p. 20, thought the ox meat was so bad, the wolves would have rejected it.
92. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 184. 93. Williams, Diary, p. 36.
94. Ibid.
95. Rogers, Journal, p. 100. The vineyard found by
the hunters must have been established by an early Spanish settler.
96. WorksProjectsAdministration,Inventoryof the County Archives of New Mexico - No. 15 Luna County (Deming (Albuquerque: The New Mexico
Historical Records Survey, 1942), p. 9; Golder, Bailey, and Smith, Henry Standage, p. 184.
97. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, p. 101. 98. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, p. 204. 99. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, p. 102. 100. Ibid., p. 103.
101. Golder,Bailey,andSmith,HenryStandage,p. 184.
102. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, p. 204; George Washington Taggart, “A Short Sketch of His Travels with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,” Mormon Battalion Papers, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, p. 11. Nathaniel Vary Jones, Diary of Nathaniel Vary Jones, 1846, Mormon Battalion Papers, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, p. 3, also made a similar observation regarding mining. In recent years the Bureau of Land Management has had difficulty with at least one person who wanted to mine near the site after “interpreting” a map leading to the treasure from petroglyphs near Massacre Peak. Unfortunately, the quarrying of Sarten sandstone has reduced the number of mortars in this particular rock to scarcely more than a dozen.
103. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, pp. 204-205. It is possible that because Tyler’s record was produced at a later date, he may have added this information from Cooke’s own published journal.
104. Coray, Journal, n.p.
105. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, p. 205; Senate Reports, Executive Document 2, p. 18.
106. Golder, Bailey, and Smith, Henry Standage, p. 184. Standage’s food preferences were obviously more refined than Williams’s.
107. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 147. 108. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, p. 103-104.
109. AbrahamDayIII,JournalofAbrahamDay,
1846, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, p. 16, attributed the route change to a prayer circle held by David Pettigrew and others.
110. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 148. 111. Ibid., p. 147.
112. Rogers, Journal, p. 101.
113. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, pp. 113-115. 114. Cosulich, Tucson, p. 84.
115. Parkhill, Antoine Leroux, p. 93.
116. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, pp. 71, 291. Tyler placedAlleninCompanyE,LarsonindicatedCom- pany A. It is probable that Tyler is correct in that the two non-Mormon Englishmen enlisted late in
Chapter 2