Page 64 - Cooke's Peak - Pasaron Por Aqui
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 Company E.
118. Emory, Reports p. 173. In “A Group of Kear-
ny Letters,” New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. 5 (Jan., 1930), p. 31, Kearny indicated that he had received two wounds.
119. Singletary, Mexican War pp. 59-61.
120. Jackson, Wagon Roads p. 22. ,
121. Bauer, Mexican War, p. 139
122. Jeremiah Willey, Reminiscences of Jeremiah Willey, 1846, Mormon Battalion Papers, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, p. 27.
123. Young, Cooke, p. 223. Cooke and the Mor- mons had gotten off to a rough start, but in complet- ing their mutual task, each had developed a grudging respect for the other. Cooke would deliver a laudatory speech many years later in Salt Lake City commemorating the march, and the Mormons, upon learning of Cooke’s death, March 21, 1895, unsuc- cessfully requested to have his remains interred in Utah.
124. See Appendix A for the various names the road has been called over time.
125. Cosulich, Tucson, p. 90.
126. Bieber, Southwestern Trails, p. 29. 127. Tyler, Mormon Battalion, p. 326.
128. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 160.
129. WilliamWeberJohnson,TheForty-Niners
(New York: Time-Life Books, 1974), p. 23; Smith,
Journal, p. 27.
130. Gracy and Rugeley, “An Englishman,” p. 128.
131. Paul Neff Garber, The Gadsden Treaty (Gloucester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith, 1959), p. 3; Shaffer, “U. S. Conquers”, p. 11. It is frequently overlooked that many men who achieved high rank in the Civil War had their first taste of battle in Mexico.
132. McDonald and Davis, “The War,” p. 11. 133. Shaffer, “U. S. Conquers”, p. 11.
134. OdieB.Faulk,TooFarNorth... TooFarSouth
(Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1967), p. 3.
135. Ibid. p. viii.
136. Martin, Yuma Crossing, p. 123.
137. Benjamin H. Sacks, “The Origins of Fort
Buchanan, Myth and Fact,” Arizona and the West, Vol. 7 (Autumn, 1965), pp. 208-209. Interestingly enough, throughout all the turmoil the Mexican gar- rison at Tucson aided and protected the miners, emigrants, herders, freighters, and others from whatever origin during their passage to or from California.

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