Page 35 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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surface opening in the gulch at the south end of the claim. This latter shows quartz. The shaft is all in iron stained porphyry.
The Oxford, owned by the Moore Bros, and McDougall, is located south of the Brilliant and shows a well defined ledge of
quartz that contains silver in very appreciable quantities. Quite an amount of work has been done upon it, consisting of two shafts and
three drifts. The ledge is seventeen feet wide where exposed on the surface and the assay values range from thirty-two to forty-two ounces.
The Bodie joins the Solitaire at the south end line of the latter
and has a good ledge of quartz. Only a small amount of develop- ment has been done on it, but enough is shown to demonstrate that
it possesses considerable prospective merit.
The Hillsboro mine lies northeast of the Solitaire about a mile,
and is a property which has already attracted much attention be- cause of the good width of the mineral bearing ledge it shows, and also on account of the high average value of the ore produced by it. It is owned by the Black Range Mining Company, a San Francisco corporation, with a capital stock of $10,000,000. In the upper work- ings, the quartz produced has an unusually high average, carrying chloride, bromide and ruby silver, quite profusely. The high grade quartz is fully four feet in width, and is traceable for a long distance upon the surface. The Hillsboro is one of the mines which the Percha district looks forward to to sustain the reputation it now pos- sesses as a rich mining district, and in this the Hillsboro will not be
Morris Hoeflich, the well known California and Comstock mining man is at the head of the company owning this
The Chapeau, joining the Hillsboro, is owned by F. J. Wilson
andM.W.Wallace. Itshowsaveininlimestonethatvariesinwidth fromtwotoeightfeetsofarasopened. Therehasbeenatotalof110 feet of work done upon it. At a point 200 feet above the lower workings, there is a defined contact of lime and porphyry, show- ingaheavyblossomofblackironandmanganese. Theveinworked upon is apparently a spur leading to the contact, and carries a gangue composed of quartz, spar and talc. Assays from the claim have returned from $250 to $4,000.
The Harkaway is owned by Carnahan and Barr. It has two