Page 37 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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produced ore running from $25 to $40. About twenty-five feet of work has been done upon it consisting of shafts and open cuts. It is owned by Fitzpatrick, Shannon and Fox.
The Pennsylvania is owned by D. S. Foster, Chas. Bishop, Thos. Fay and Dr. B. G. Guthrie. It is a large, well defined lode, show-
ing sulphurets of iron, carrying silver. An open-cut is excavated upon the vein six to eight feet in length.
TheUtahisownedbyBurke,SkippandRichie. Itshowsafine,
large quartz ledge which has been sunk upon to a depth of forty feet. Ore from this shaft assays very well.
The Wild Deer is owned by Moore Bros, and McDougall. It
has a large quartz ledge, fifteen feet in width, and is opened by a fifteen-foot shaft.
The Maud Muller lies west of the Saint Clair and is owned by Jeff Raynolds. A great deal of very rich "float" has been taken from the surface of this claim, but as yet no ore has been discovered in place. Several surface openings have been made upon the prop-
The Keystone is a very promising quartz ledge. It is located
west from the Solitaire and shows ore at the outcrop similar in ap-
pearance to that produced by the Solitaire. Assays run very high.
It it owned by Darst, Nickle and others, and is being developed
The Mountain View is owned by Burke, Skipp and Elliott. It
has a fine quartz ledge. No work of consequence has yet been done, but ore off the out-crop assays $46.00.
The Glen Cove has a quartz lead, and is supplied with an excel- lent mill site. No work or assays.
The Silver King is owned by Mason and Overhultz. It is a
quartz lead having a fifty-foot shaft upon it. Assays vary from forty to seventy-five ounces.
The Lillie D. has a quartz vein in limestone, varying from three to five feet in width. It carries ore that will run from $200 to $1,000. It is owned by Mason and Overhultz.
The Daisy Deane is owned by Shaw and Martin and has a vein carrying silver sulphurets. It is opened by an adit fifteen feet in length.
Above the town of Percha, and on the south fork of the North