Page 42 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 42
Grey Eagle yet there are many things which point to a future value fortheseclaimsthatwillnotbeinconsiderable. TheAmericanEagle is owned by Marcus Fuller and A. B. Stacy ; the Morning Star, Little Michigan and Enterprise, by H. H. Barton, James Barnes and G. A. Cassil. The Black Eagle is under the same ownership as the GreyEagle. Alloftheseclaimsarecoveredwithafinegrowthof timber, and are well situated for convenient and economical work- ing.
The Southwest mine, owned by Frazer and Holt, is located
along the line of a contact-fissure, crossing the ridge upon the north
side of South Percha creek. It shows a very pronounced blossom
of oxidized iron and manganese in several places along the course
of the vein. From one of these places the discoverers took ore that
returned good assay results in silver but until this spring nothing but
assessment work was done upon it. It has been taken under bond
by a Chicago company and they have put down the shaft through
the iron cap and into a large body of excellent ore, resembling in
all respects that produced by the Bullion, Superior and other con-
tact-fissure mines of this district. The value of the ore is known
only to those directly interested, but it certainly is of a good grade. It has a general apparent trend towards the contact which shows
west of the shaft, and will doubtless make in that direction. No better illustration than the Southwest can be cited of the chances there are for good investment in prospects here. The claims show- ing the iron cap upon the surface are numerous and interests in them can be obtained at very liberal terms.
The R. Lee lies north of the Grey Eagle and is owned by Mc- Ardle,AskewandPeterJohnson. Theveinshowsgalenaoreand
has a twenty-foot shaft upon it.
The Black Hawk group of mines is owned by Routh and Sidney,
They are situated upon the north and south .slopes of the ridge lying immediately north of South Percha gulch and are located upon min-
eral bearing quartz ledges. The principal mine of the group is the Black Hawk. It has a north and south course and where opened
showsastrongmineralimpregnation. Thesurfacequartzisheavily charged with oxidized iron and some manganese, and shows a fair assay value, that with depth may be looked for to increase. The ledge is an immense one in width and length, being one hundred