Page 44 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 44
shows a large body of oxidized iron. It is owned by Walsh and Breen.
The Elk, owned by Ed. Baird and Wm. Mead, shows oxidized iron and has assessment work done on it.
The Mint, owned by Foran, White, Evans and Richie, has a forty-foot shaft, all in iron, assaying from $12 to $20.
The Belcher is owned by Lester Dumm. It is opened by a
twenty-foot adit, all in oxidized iron. High assays are reported from this claim.
The Overland, owned by Frank Foran and Del White, is per- haps the claim having the most openings and showing the best re- sults. There is a shaft down forty feet and several minor openings, all showing very favorably. The deep shaft was sunk at a point where at a shallow depth the iron was passed through and a vein of orecarryingleadasgalenaandcarbonatewasencountered. Assays from average samples of this ore returned $20 in silver and 54 per cent. lead. There are several feet of this ore in the vein. Im- portant discoveries may be looked for as more work is done upon the Overland.
The Golden Circle is owned by Richie and Evans. It is down ten feet with a large body of oxidized iron.
The Garfield is owned by Petit and Dumm. It has a forty-foot shaft in iron, and high assays are reported from it.
The Mountain Girl is owned by Petit and Dumm, and has a showingliketheothersdescribed. Assessmentworkdone.
TheGoldenGateisownedbyForan,WhiteandBlunn. Anas- sessment shaft shows a large body of iron.
The Wild Turkey, owned by Baird and Hardy, has assessment work done upon it, with a large iron showing.
The Leadville is owned by Ed. Baird. No work on it yet, but a big surface out-crop of iron.
The Yellow Jacket is owned by Foran and White and has assess- ment work done upon it.
The Richmond is owned by Phillips, Bevan, Carey and Stover. It is developed by three cross-cut tunnels. As yet none of these has encountered the hanging wall and aJl are in vein stuff composed chiefly of oxidized iron. The main tunnel is in eighty feet, the next