Page 45 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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forty feet and the third thirty feet. Out of one of these tunnels ore has been taken which assayed 260 ounces in silver.
The Charlie Richie is owned by Richie and Evans. It has a large surface showing but no work is done yet.
The foregoing embraces as stated the principal prospects upon
the "big iron ledge." They are owned mostly by poor men, unable
to do the work necessary to prove them up to the point of profitable- ness. Parties so disposed can obtain good bargains upon the whole or a part of most of them, either in cash purchases or in interests for forastatedamountofwork. The"ironcap"whichissoextensive is usually regarded as one of the best possible indications in a min- ing country, and deep development has proven it to be so in the mines of the Percha district. Wherever sunk through ore has been found. The indigent prospector, or claim owner, however, has the will but not the means to do the necessary work, as it takes money to buy "grub and tools," and he is proverbially short of both. It is an especially inviting field for the capitalist or others with money to invest. The conditions favorable to the making of mines are there, but the ability to do this is lacking upon the part of the owners.
Foran, Baird and White have four claims down the creek that
are showing up well under the development that has been done upon
them. They are the Ontario, Calleo, Stonewall and Clipper. The
Ontario is the leading claim, and has a quartz ledge heavily charged with iron. Five shafts have been sunk upon it, the principal ones
having attained depths of seventy, fifty-five and thirty-five feet re- spectively. The other two are of shallower depth. In each of
these shafts the showing was practically the same, and out of them ore has been taken that has returned by assay $25, $65 and $110 per ton.
The Sunset claim is owned by McManus, Askew and McArdle.
It has a quartz ledge showing ore that according to an assay test carries $34 in silver.
A short distance above the saw mill there is a large spar ledge up- on which a number of claims are located, but without ore results as yet.
In atlditon to the foregoing there are numerous other claims scattered throughout the South Percha, possessing considerable merit as properties of prospective value, and to which the same gen-