Page 47 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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made a handsome production that possesses a very high average value in silver. During the latter part of the month of April last severaltonswereassortedandshippedtoDenver,Colo. Thisore gave very high returns in silver. A sample sack of the lot averaged at the rate of over $800 per ton. The ore out and remaining on the dump will average upwards of $iocf per ton. At the bottom of the shaft the pay vein is about twenty-four inches in width, with every indication of widening, and shows ore all of which is equal and most ofitsuperiortotheaverageofthatalreadyproduced. Inthebot- tom of an open-cut along the vein there is also a well-defined streak of ore eighteen inches wide. The silver is in the form of sulphide, with occasional pieces of native. The owners of this property are able and experienced mining men and will work it to the end that a
large and steady product may be made.
Fitzpatrick and Parker are developing a claim near by the
Monaska company's property. It is a spar ledge, in appearance and character like that of the 7-20 mine. No ore has yet been pro- duced from it.
The Bald Eagle, Buckstone and 'Maud S. are claims in the vicinity upon which some work has been done with fair results. They are the property of Parke and others. The Buckstone has a shaft seventy feet deep and has produced some excellent crevice matter. The Bald Eagle is sunk upon to a depth of forty-five feet, showing crevice matter. The Maud S. has been penetrated twenty feet with excellent results. At a depth of six feet it produced min^ eral-bearing matter that assayed $69.80, and although no other as- says have been made since, the same stuff is still in the bottom.
The Consolidated, owned by Webber, Bealert and Fowler, is
showing up quite nicely. A shaft down twenty feet has produced some very excellent ore.
Farther to the east than the claims just mentioned, and situated
at the head of Trujillo creek, are a number of prospects which are
quite noted for strength of vein and presence of ore. They are upon what might be termed the extension of the Grey Eagle mine, and joins the South Percha extensions of that property, where the ore zone upon which it is situated crosses in its course over into and through Trujillo and Tierra Blanca districts. The ore is a quartz base, carrying galena and carbonate of lead in large quantities. A