Page 48 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 48
great deal of work has been done upon these claims and in many in-
winces the showing is sufficient to warrant the belief that mines of
splendid productive capabilities will yet result upon further develop ment. The limits of this pamphlet are insufficient to properly de
scribe the individual merits of these properties. Almost withoir
( eption they show ore of a very desirable lead character, cam silver enough upon an average to make the work of operating them one of profit, when undertaken with a determination to properly de- velop before expecting large returns. Immense pieces of lead "float" and ore from the veins are exhibited at Kingston, which cannot tail to convince one of the great future that is in store for the n.
producing them.
Barnab\. Parker and Watson are the owners of the Mountain
Boy, Hunter, I. m \ I . li . \\ hipoorwill, Ixjokout and Omega. < M these, the Captain P... Lookout ami Omega have the most work done upon them, and show highly favorable results in the way of ore out and in place in the vein. The Iris, Black Hawk and k
also owned by Barnaby. Parker ami Watsi.n. are located upon an ore belt parallel with th< ,.| show .juite favorably.
There is a host of ,>ther claims local ii d< n the same veins. or less development upon them, while none
and south from All have more materially in
:Mi< s trorn thu>c as bru th i<- nbed in the foregoing. Proceeding MHlth from Tnijillo < reek, ai ross the ridges *
make down from the summit ot the range, the same ore veins are traceable tor miles and only pass : tie gulch to enter
within those of another.
mines of the parallel I are in reality what might be called "extensions ot ea< h other, being all located upon the different parallel mineral veins or ledges \\hich course through the
from north to south.
I hns it is. as alre.t ated, that the
inKK\ r.i \>
I the oldest mining localities in the Black
This section
Range, claims having been staked off there several years ago. The leadingminesarethosewhichlieupneartheheadofthe< reek,and upon the ore belt described as cutting ..< 1 mjillo creek.
Dawson. of the I". S. army. I particularly fine pn>p. (
s ncd byT. K. IT ind ( iptain and