Page 50 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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are numerous, and in consequence the investor has an inviting field before him.
About eight miles north from Kingston is what is known as the "True Fissure district," a portion of the territory embraced within thelimitsofCaveCreek. Therei-s alargenumberofverypromis- ing silver mines, that with a small amount of development show up splendidly. The Silver Wave and Trade Dollar, owned by John McCann, are parallel veins, the former averaging from four to seven feet in width, and the latter from two to three feet. The average as- say results from these mines are high, running close to $100 per ton. Among other good prospects are the Mammoth, Hard Cash, North- ern Belle, Quien Sabe, Polar Star, Adventurer, Lookout, Winnebago Chief, Hancock, Ingersoll and Clifford.
Since the greater portion of this pamphlet was put in type there
have been many and important changes in the status of our principal mines. Thesechangesinvariablyareforthebetterandgoagreat way in determining the future of the Percha district and the town of Kingston. It is a notable fact that wherever development has been carried out to any depth that increased value resulted not only in quantity but in quality of the ore bodies. The Superior mine, par- ticularly, is showing up magnificently, the incline shaft having reached the level of the rich ore bodies first struck in the winze on the con- tact. The consequence is seen in the immense body of high grade ore now exposed, and from which shipments will be made steadily. The Bullion mine has reached the contact and the source of its rich ore bodies in the limestone is about to be discovered.
Shipments have been steady and of uniformly high grade ore. The Iron King has developed an immense deposit of sand carbonate ore, from which fifteen tons daily can be taken, the result of exploitatory work alone. Anent the the Iron King, an error is apparent in the state-
ment of its purchase price and the locality of those comprising the company. ItwasboughtbyNewYorkpeople,and$30,000paidfor three-fourths of the property, originally, the remaining fourth being afteward purchased for $15,000. New developments of much import- ance have also been made at the Miners' Dream, Brush Heap, Southwest and Seaside, while over at the head of the North Percha the fissures in the trachyte are the center of mining attention, some new and important ore bodies being lately revealed: The Falls mine, close to the Keystone, is showing a fine body of ore. Upon the whole, it can be said without fear of successful contradiction, that the Percha district presents a more flattering prospect for the future than is true of anv other in New Mexico.