Page 49 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 49
has had < able work done upon it. It is opened by an incline
shaft eighty feet deep, in ore continuously, varying in width from e to five feet There are 100 i>n^ n the dump that will range
The I'-
540 to $500 ii. and gold, ami average about ad.
n is rime- has an eighty-foot incline shaft with a showing of ore on .lump and underground.
The other prominent claims arc AIM, Blue Jay, Oriole, an and
man & Maxwell, the well known mining and real estate
ingston, have a group of i < aring galena and carbonate ores. From these specimens of great size and im- mcc have been produced, and there remains no doubt but that fuse disclosures of ore will be made upon development
-ospects producing them.
ate.! still southward, and in the manner described, there are
numerous others going on over into the Bercnda creek, where some llcnt prospr .!
8 mines situated east of the claim mentioned in the foregoing.
i then tome c&rellent ore has been taken and everything about them presage mines <-, when once they are opened up.
B lies about tour and a half miles west of Kingston, slope of the Black Range, and is noted for the
great strength and grade of its ore It has attracted consid n the past few years and . so at the present .n-.mense and wonderfully prolific of lead ores,
some of the location monument- -in- built of galena
d opera' < art now being carried on by Mar
a ou| de of splendidly prom-
miner and prospector, in the interests of him- an adobe smelter
shall 1 > . :
>eli and a Vegas
run with good success upon ore produced from the <li>tn< t. A. Ban tdford & Troegcr and Col. Parker, all of Kingston, are
nterested in the mines of Ir k and own properties -t bodies of a highly desirable lead ore. The cL
showing abundance of surface i"it la king development.