Page 46 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 46
eral remarks given in the foregoing will also apply. Among them are the Little Chief, Iron Mountain, Enterprise, Knobel, Oro Cash, Horseshoe, McMicken, Mountain Boy, Lucky Cuss, Mountain Peak and Tammany. There are, as intimated, others, but it would be a work of impossibility almost to attempt to collate the individual claims that have been located, and the task has not been tried. Enough, however, has been shown to demonstrate the object of this pamphlet, viz: to call attention to the indisputable fact that the various sections of the Percha district are ripe for the investment of capital and the results following such investment will surely be of a kind that will greatly redound to the credit not only of the whole of
the country surrounding the town of Kingston, but of the Territory of New Mexico besides.
Although the Middle, North and South Percha gulches proper- ly constitute what is known as the Percha mining district, yet there are several sections which have assumed leading places as possess- ing mines of merit, and whose business through natural causes is at- tractedtowardsthecenterotthePerchacountry Kingston. Prom- inent among these is
The mines at and near the head of this stream have for some
months past been attracting considerable attention, and as much prospecting has been done there as is true perhaps of any other local- ity outside of the Perchas themselves.
The Monaska company's claims constitute the leading property
of the locality, and comprise the Traitor, Monaska and 7-20. The members of the company are F. E. Everett, A. L. Jones, John Mc- Laughlin, E. W. Bush and J. Frick. E. W. Bush was the discoverer and locator of the claims. The Traitor and Monaska both have some work done upon them, but the "strike" was made and the .workings are chiefly confined to the 7-20. The vein is a vertical fissure in limestone, carrying a gangue of lime spar and quartz. The ore cropped out on the surface in an eighteen-inch streak and has held out continuously as depth upon it has been attained. The main shaft is down 140 feet, following ore from the surface, and has