Page 428 - Our Vanishing Wild Life
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 406 INDEX
MacDougal, Dr. D. T., 46.
McAtee, W. L., on enemies of codling moth
215; on "Our Vanishing Shore-Birds,"
McBride, scout, counts game in Yellow-
stone Park, 336.
Mcllhenny, Edward A., 5, 255, 349, 395;
on egret preserve, 26; on Louisiana birds, 48; robin slaughter mentioned by, 108; testimony from, on shed plumes, 129.
McLean, Marshall, on codification of New York game laws, 290.
McLean, Senator George P., 275; bill for migratory birds, 267, 306.
Macaw, Gosse's, 16; Guadeloupe, 16. Mackay, G. H., 14.
Mail and Express, New York, 263. Maine, 43, 48, 59, 157; deer killed in, 172;
new laws needed in, 283; protects wood-
duck, 28.
Malayana, wild life in, 192.
Mammals, wholly or nearly extinct, 34. Manitoba, 45, 52; game reserves of,
Map, of game preserves in Africa, 366; of
National game preserves, 339; of states prohibiting sale of game, 307 ; of wilder- ness area of North America, 156; used in campaign for Bayne law, 309.
Market-gunners, 63, 64, 65.
Marlatt, C. L., on losses by insects, 207,
Marlin Fire-Arms Co., 144, 146.
Marsh Island, a market-gunner on, 64;
map of, 361.
Martin, A. P., 214.
Martin, Purple, 217; shot for food, 219;
disappearing, 48.
Maryland, 43, 48, 105, 106; deer killed in,
172; new laws needed in, 284. Mashonaland, 186.
Massachusetts, 43, 48, 59, 115, 253; deer
killed in, 172; excellent laws of, 284; Fish and Game Protective Association, 385; Game Commission, 253; protects wood-duck, 28; State Board of Agricul-
Megan'tic Club, 360.
Meloy, Andrew D., 388.
Merkel, Hermann W., 227.
Mershon, W. B., 11, 49.
Mesa Verde National Park, 344.
Mexico, 169; elephant seals of, 41; vSierre
Madre of, 157.
Meyer, A. H., 129.
Mice and rats destroyed by owls, 224. Michigan, 43, 49, 59, 157; deer killed in,
172; good laws of, 285.
Migratory birds, federal protection de-
Miles, George W., Indiana Game Com- missioner, 47.
Miller, Frank M., on wood-duck, 48. Miller, H. N., 49.
Milliners' Association, American, 307. MilUnery, bird extermination for, 115. Miners as game destroyers in Wyoming,
Minnesota, 43, 49, 106, 157; deer killed in,
172; National Game Preserve in, 341;
new laws needed in, 285.
Mississippi, 43, 105, 106, 165; deer killed
in, 172; new laws needed in, 286. Missouri, 44, 49, 59, 106; new laws needed
in, 286.
Mitchell, Consul Mason, and the takin,
Mitchell, W. I., 317.
Monachus tropicalis almost extinct, 39. Monal pheasant skins, 197.
Money, need for, 257, 393, 394, 397. Mongoose pest in various islands, 332. Montana, 44, 49, 59, 158; grizzlies of, 178;
National Bison Range, 180; National monuments of, 344; new laws needed in, 287; state game preserves, 348, 349.
Monuments, National, full list of, 344. Moody, C. S., 43, 47.
Moore, John D., 290.
Moose, in Alaska, 176; increasing in New
Brunswick, 52, 175; in Glacier Park, 340; in the United States, 175; season in Wyoming, 51.
Mosquitoes eaten by quail, 221.
Moth, codling, 210, 214; gypsy, 211.
Mt. Olympus National Monument, 340. Mulberry, Russian, as food-tree for birds,
Murder of wild animals, 34.
Museum, American, 388; Carnegie, 391;
Field, 391; Milwaukee Public, 389; of Comparative Zoology, 390; United States National, 390.
Musk-Ox, previous slaughter of, 176.
Napier, Ernest, 50; arouses New Jersey against machine guns, 289; portrait, 251, 253.
Nash, C. W., 52.
National Academy of Sciences, 391. National measures for wild-life protection,
National Museum, United States, 36, 37,
National organizations of New York City,
National Zoological Park, 391.
Natives, rights of, in game, 384. Nebraska, 44, 49, 59, 106; protection for
manded for, 266.
extinct game in, 287.

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