Page 429 - Our Vanishing Wild Life
P. 429
Needs of wild-life caus€^, greatest, 393. Negroes, song-bird slaughter b^•, in the
South, 108, 109, 110.
Nelson, E. W., 35.
Nepal, ilestruction of pheasants in, 191). Nets used in taking pigeons, 12, 13. Nevada, 44, lOtt; new laws needed in, 288. New Brunswick, 45, 152, 157; game laws
Opposition, to game protection in Penn- sylvania, 346; in Montana, 348; to legislation, how to meet, 264.
Oregon, 44, 50, 106, 125, 165; grizzlies of, 178.
Oriole, 222; destroy cotton-boll weevil, 216, 217.
Orlady, Judge, decision of, 147. Ornithologist, case of the, 57; Italian, kills
killed in, 172; new laws needed in, 288. New Jersey, 28, 44, 49, 59, 115, 253; deer killed in, 172; few new laws needed in,
288; game commissioner, 253.
New Mexico, 44, 59, 106; good game laws
in, 289; National monuments of, 344. New South Wales, birds destroyed in, 233. New York, 44, 49, 59, 115, 157, 165;
Acadmy of Sciences, 391 ; Conservation Commission, 252; deer killed in, 172; excellent laws of, 289; nuisance law of, 235; protects wood-duck, 28; state game preserve of, 347.
New York City formerly a "fence," 68; wild deer in, 91.
News, Buffalo, 263.
Newspapers, value of, in campaigns, 262. New Zealand game preserves, 368; red deer
in, 327.
Niagara Falls, swans swejit over, 93. Nice, Margaret M., 220.
Nicol, G. H., 48.
Nighthawk as insect-destrover, 21(i; shot
for food, 216, 218.
Niobrara Bison Range, 180.
Nooe, Bennet, 222.
Norboe, R. M., 317.
Norris, Governor Edward F., 348.
North, Paul, 50.
N(3rth American, Philadelphia, 263. North Carolina, 44, 50, 105, 106; deer
killed in, 172; hopeless condition of, 292;
private preserves in, 360.
North Dakota, 44, 50, 106; new laws
needed in, 293.
Norton, Arthur H., 43, 48.
Nova Scotia, 45, 52; game laws of, 357. Nuisances, wild animals may become, 234.
Observer, Utica, 263.
Ohio, 44, 50, 106; hopeless condition, 293. Oklahoma, 44, 50, 106; bison in, 341; new
laws needed in, 294; new code of game
laws needed, 294.
Oldys, Henry, on sale of game, 307; on
value of game, 309.
Olympus, Mount, 340.
Ontario, 45, 52, 157: game preserves of,
254, 389.
Otter, sea, 193.
Outdoor Life magazine, 48, 74, 166, 263,
Outdoor World magazine, 206, 263. Outing magazine, 263.
Owl, barn, 224; great horned, 80, 225;
long-eared, 224; screech, SO.
Owls, general status of, 224; horned, in
British Columbia, 356.
Pacific bird refuges, 339.
Page wire fence, 371.
Palmer, Theodore S., 248; circular on Na-
tionalReserves,345; deerstatisticsfrom, 172; game laws proposed by, 46; Olym- pus National Monument, 340; on ante- lope, 159; on laws, 387.
Paradise, birds of, being exterminated 119, 121, 122, 124, 125; greater bird of", 113, 115, 119.
Parakeet, Carolina, 9, 16; i)urple Guade- loupe, 16.
Parasitic infection of ducks, 86.
Parents, duty of, 376.
Park, Crater Lake, 343; General Grant,
341; Laurentides, 354; Mt. Rainier, 343; Piatt, 344; vSequoia, 344; Sully Hills, 344; Yosemite, 343.
Parliament, British, 135.
Parrot, Yellow-Winged Green, 16. Patagonia, guanaco in, 169.
Peabody, James W., text book bv, 377. Pearson, t. Gilbert, 28, 44, 50, 107, 291;
portrait, 251.
Pelican Island bird sanctuary, 277. Pellett, F. C, 48.
Penalties, schedule of, 2.
of, 357.
Newfoundland, 157.
New Hampshire, 44, 49, 59, 157; deer Osborn, Prof. Henry Fairfield, 128, 247,
song birds for food, 98.
Pennock, C.
Pennsylvania, 44, 50, 105, 115, 157, 253;
aliens may not own firearms, 103; de- cision on automatic guns, 147; deer killed in, 172; game wardens killed, 103; new laws needed by, 295; state game preserves, 345.
Penrose, Dr. C. B., 45, 50.
Pests, introduced species that have be-
come, 330.
Petrel, Black-Capped, 21.