Page 9 - Geologic Investigations in the Lake Valley Area, Sierra County, New Mexico
P. 9

1. Index map of Lake Valley area ...................................................................................... 2
2. Map showing major volcanic and tectonic features of Lake Valley area ............. 3
3. Alkali-silica plots for Tertiary igneous rocks of Lake Valley area ........................... 9
4–7. Photographs showing:
4. Central part of vent breccia of Sugarlump Tuff..................................................... 10
5. Megabreccia landslide and Mimbres Peak Formation........................................ 10
6. Northward-thinning flows of late Oligocene age ................................................. 12
7. Lake Valley fault at Lake Valley ............................................................................... 14
8. Lower hemisphere stereograms ................................................................................... 15
9. Photograph showing hills of jasperoid in Fusselman Dolomite ............................... 16
1. Major-element geochemistry of extrusive and intrusive rocks of
Lake Valley map area .................................................................................................... 8
Note: Combined references list begins on page 76.

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