Page 18 - EurOil Week 11 2023
P. 18

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

      personnel have had to take time off work to   to the local market at a lower price than it   procedure to gauge the demand for
      care for relatives affected by the country’s   pays its suppliers, making it difficult for the   additional capacity for its floating LNG
      earthquake disaster, according to a report   company to operate sustainably.   terminal in the Gulf of Gdansk, Gaz-System
      from state-run news service Anadolu    The company currently charges an   said on March 6.                  PER-
      Agency.                              average of $393 for 1,000 cubic metres of   The terminal is planned to have a
         “There may be a slight delay,” the media   gas, which is significantly lower than the   regasification capacity of 6.1bn cubic metres
      outlet cited Energy Minister Fatih Donmez   cost of purchasing and storing gas, at $727.  of gas annually but Gaz-System assumes
      as saying on March 7. “It seems it will likely   However, the company will continue to   that an expansion would be possible based
      be in April,” he added.              monitor price trends and evaluate the cost   on market demand.
         Turkey is dependent on imports to   of purchasing gas before making further   The demand is expected to grow in the
      meet almost all of its gas and oil needs.   adjustments to prices, which will affect both   wake of Poland and the rest of Europe
      However, the government estimates offshore  households and non-domestic consumers,   reorienting gas supply routes after Russia
      fields in the Turkish part of the Black Sea   Bajatovic told the forum.   ceased to be the main supplier following its
      hold around 710bn cubic metres (bcm) of   The International Monetary Fund   attack on Ukraine a year ago.
      natural gas. Some analysts have expressed   (IMF) has asked Serbia to raise its gas and   The final regasification capacity for
      scepticism as regards this estimate.  electricity prices. This comes after the IMF   the planned terminal will depend on the
         If the launch of production takes place   approved a two-year stand-by arrangement   reported market interest in the procedure,
      in April, it will be billed as a breakthrough   (SBA) worth €2.4bn.       Gaz-System said.
      for Turkey by the Erdogan administration   Serbia secured a new long-term gas deal   As part of the market research procedure,
      as the country gets set for presidential and   with Russia’s Gazprom on favourable terms   Gaz-System will evaluate the level of market
      parliamentary elections pencilled in for   in May 2022, but still needs to secure some   interest in exporting regasified LNG to
      May 14.                              gas from other sources.              Slovakia, Lithuania, Denmark, Germany,
                                                                                the Czech Republic, and Ukraine.
                                                                                  The terminal in the Gulf of Gdansk is
      Price hikes expected for Serbian  Poland’s gas grid operator              expected to become operational by 2028.
                                                                                  Poland used to get the bulk of its gas
      gas consumers in 2023                probes market demand for             from Russia. The country has now switched
                                                                                supplies via Qatar, the US, and Norway,
      Natural gas consumers in Serbia will face an   expansion of planned LNG   with some domestic production filling in
      estimated 10% increase in prices following                                to meet the overall demand estimated at
      the end of the heating season on May 1,   terminal in Gdansk              around 15 bcm in 2023. ™
      Dusan Bajatovic, the CEO of Srbijagas, told
      the Kopaonik Business Forum.         Polish gas grid operator Gaz-System
         According to Bajatovic, Srbijagas sells gas  launched a non-binding market research

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   14•March•2023
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