Page 4 - EurOil Week 11 2023
P. 4
Report of yacht using in sabotage
of Nord Stream pipelines adds
new layer to mystery
There are yet more revelations in the Nord Stream mystery.
RUSSIA A team of divers using a 15-metre chartered The narrative took another turn earlier this
yacht called the Andromeda sabotaged the Nord month, then The New York Times cited US intel-
WHAT: Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, a new report published ligence as suggesting that a pro-Ukraine group
A new report by Der by Germany’s Der Spiegel news site claims. was behind the attacks, although there was no
Spiegel claims a yacht The Andromeda made its route around the evidence that Ukrainian President Volodymyr
was chartered for divers Baltic Sea from its home marina in Rostock on Zelensky or his top officials had any involve-
to blow up the Nord September 6 to the German island of Rugen and ment in the operation, or whether the perpetra-
Stream pipelines. then to the Danish island of Christianso, close to tors were acting on the order of any Ukrainian
where the Nord Stream blasts occurred on Sep- government officials.
WHY: tember 26, according to Der Spiegel. The Spiegel report stopped short of assigning
The report comes There is mounting confusion over who was responsibility for the attacks to any group. How-
after the New York responsible for the explosions that ripped holes ever, the news site alleged that one of the six-per-
Times alleged that US in three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipe- son crew on the Andromeda had used a forged
intelligence believed lines strings, rendering them inoperable for the Bulgarian passport. German investigators have
Ukraine was behind the foreseeable future. Moscow has blamed Wash- not identified the nationality of the saboteurs,
attacks. ington, and an investigation released by vet- however. It went on to quote a harbour master
eran US journalist Seymour Hersh in February in Rugen as saying that the group that had char-
WHAT NEXT: claimed that the US Navy had blown up the pipe- tered Andromeda was dressed as normal sailors
There is still no firm lines at the behest of US President Joe Biden. The and spoke in a language that “sounded Polish or
evidence which actor was White House has described the report as “false Czech to him.”
responsible. and complete fiction.” The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) meanwhile
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