Page 12 - GLNG Week 45 2021
P. 12

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

                                                                                thorough training, and everything went
                                                                                smoothly and safely as planned,” said Kento
                                                                                Tamm, Captain of Optimus.
                                                                                  “Most of the systems on the ship are
                                                                                duplicated and the risk is minimized, also the
                                                                                LNG fuel itself is among the safest – each year
                                                                                we see more and more LNG bunker ships
                                                                                working in ports and at sea,” said Tamm.
                                                                                  “Optimus significantly simplifies the
                                                                                bunkering of Megastar – much larger amount
                                                                                of LNG can be bunkered from a ship at once,
                                                                                from trailers we used to bunker several times
                                                                                a week, now only once is enough. In addition
                                                                                to the sea, the air will also become cleaner
                                                                                on roads and in ports, as Optimus itself also
       cover 10 of the company’s very large LNG   efforts to decarbonise shipping,” says Rajeev   operates on LNG fuel,” noted Tarvink-Carlos
       carrier vessels. The agreement is designed to   Janardhan, Sales Manager, 2-stroke engine   Tuulik, Captain of Tallink.
       ensure certainty of operations with budgeted   Lifecycle solutions, Wärtsilä Marine Power.  “Shipping is looking for new
       maintenance costs. It was signed in June 2021.  WÄRTSILÄ, November 08, 2021  environmentally friendly solutions globally
         The tailored agreement covers the                                      and is switching to liquefied natural gas today.
       vessels’ twin two-stroke dual-fuel main   Purus Marine announces         The LNG bunker vessel operating in our area
       engines, enabling them to benefit from                                   adds certainty that ships under design and
       the latest condition monitoring and asset   agreement to acquire two     under construction will be able to use LNG
       diagnostic services. These include Wärtsilä’s                            as fuel here. For ship operators, the gas tanker
       unique Expert Insight solution and remote   180,000 cbm LNG carriers     means, above all, security of supply of this
       operational support capabilities. The Expert                             more environmentally friendly fuel and ease
       Insight digital predictive maintenance   Purus Marine, a maritime holding company   of use, as well as time savings,” said Tuulik.
       innovation utilises artificial intelligence (AI)   that owns environmentally-advanced   LNG has a very high energy content and
       and advanced diagnostics to provide accurate   vessels and infrastructure equipment, today   is used in energy production, land and sea
       and pro-active advice and recommendations.   announced an agreement to acquire two   transport. It is an environmentally friendly
       Together with Wärtsilä’s vast experience and   180,000 cbm LNG Carriers (“LNGCs”). The   type of fuel that allows to significantly reduce
       deep in-house know-how, the system is able to  vessels are expected to deliver in Q3 2024,   the content of CO2, NOx, SOx in the exhaust
       promptly recognise performance deviations,   directly into multi-year time charters with   gas and produces practically no soot particles
       should they occur, thus allowing timely   an energy major. The vessels were acquired   at all.
       corrective and mitigating actions to be taken,   in partnership with a leading ship manager,   Optimus’ service area will be the Gulf
       thereby increasing uptime. Furthermore by   who will provide technical and commercial   of Finland region of the Baltic Sea and its
       ensuring efficient operations, emission levels   services for the vessels.  immediate surroundings. The LNG ship is
       are lowered.                           “By using the latest generation of engine   capable of bunkering tankers, cargo, passenger
         Expert Insight is estimated to reduce   and energy saving device technologies, the   and cruise ships, its tanks and pumps both
       unplanned maintenance by as much as   LNGCs are expected to be best-in-class in   on the high seas and in ports, enabling it to
       50%, and to deliver an up to five percent   environmental performance,” said Julian   deliver up to 6000 m3 of liquefied natural
       improvement in fuel efficiency, with a   Proctor, chief executive officer of Purus   gas at a speed of up to 1,000 cubic metres per
       corresponding reduction in emissions. The   Marine.                      hour at a time. The nearly 100-metre-long
       service is delivered via Wärtsilä’s Expertise   “This acquisition diversifies our fleet and   LNG bunker was built by the Dutch company
       Centres strategically located around the world.  allows us to further support the maritime   Damen.
         “To achieve optimal operational efficiency,   industry’s transition to a lower-carbon future,”   ELENGER MARINE, November 05, 2021
       we need to take advantage of the latest   said Svein Engh, Senior Advisor and a Board
       and most advanced technology. Wärtsilä’s   Member of Purus Marine.       GTT entrusted by Samsung
       Optimised Maintenance Agreement provides   PURUS MARINE, November 11, 2021
       this. We have worked closely with the Wärtsilä                           Heavy Industries with the
       team to create a customised agreement that   The LNG bunker vessel
       addresses our main concerns and needs while                              tank design for four new
       providing an efficient means for us to manage   Optimus started operations
       both costs and risks,” says Kostas Karathanos,                           LNG carriers
       General Manager, Innovation & Technology   Tonight, the first ship-to-ship LNG bunkering
       at Gaslog.                          took place in Estonia. Tallink’s shuttle ferry   GTT announces that it has received, in
         “This agreement represents the smart   Megastar sailing between Tallinn and Helsinki   October 2021, an order from its partner the
       way for ensuring the efficient maintenance   was bunkered by Optimus at the Old City   Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries
       of complex modern marine engines and   Harbour of Tallinn.               (SHI) for the tank design of four new LNGCs
       related systems. By ensuring optimal engine   “Ship-to-ship bunkering of LNG has   on behalf of a Bermuda-based ship-owner.
       efficiency, which in turn minimises emissions,   not been done in Estonian ports before, but   As part of this order, GTT will design the
       it is also a valuable contributor to global   our team has the relevant experience and   tanks of the vessels, which will each offer a

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2021
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