Page 18 - EurOil Week 06 2023
P. 18

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       player in Poland’s retail fuel market – after   In January 2022, PKN Orlen picked   to Europe remain limited and not much
       PKN Orlen and BP - while PKN Orlen is   Unimot to buy a 100% stake in Lotos   higher than those delivered to its strategic
       now the fourth-biggest in Hungary.  Terminale as part of fulfilment of the   partner, Turkey, alone.
         The first MOL-branded fuel station in   Commission’s conditions in the Lotos   In 2023, the country’s exports to Europe
       Poland is a recently built one, 75 kilometres   takeover.                will increase marginally to 11.6bn cubic
       north of Krakow, along the busy road to   Unimot will buy nine fuel terminals,   meters, from 11.3bn cubic meters in 2022.
       Kielce and Warsaw.                  five belonging to Lotos Terminale and   This means that the exports to European
         MOL’s retail network is currently nearly   four owned by PKN Orlen, with the total   countries other than Romania will actually
       2,400 stations in 10 countries.     capacity of 350,000 cubic meters, Unimot   decrease – assuming the 1bn cubic meters
                                           said in a market filing.             deliveries to Romania are more than a mere
                                              Unimot will also purchase asphalt   “possibility” but actual deliveries.
       Turkey’s Erciyas and consortium     production facilities in Jaslo and   to Turkey is planned to rise by 19% to 10bn
                                                                                  For comparison, the exports of Azeri gas
                                           Czechowice-Dziedzice under the deal.
       win steel pipe supply tender for    Gdansk refinery to Saudi Aramco, which   cubic meters in 2023.
                                              Earlier, PKN Orlen sold the stake in the
       western Black Sea natural gas       also bought Lotos’ wholesale subsidiaries   Serbia expects gas supplies
                                           Lotos SPV 1 and Lotos-Air BP Polska. In
       project                             the other leg of the merger-clearing deal,
                                           Hungary’s state-controlled oil and gas firm
       Turkish pipe maker Erciyas Celik Boru   MOL bought Lotos’ retail operations.  from Azerbaijan in early 2024
       Sanayi has, as part of a consortium, won   Unimot is the largest independent fuel   Belgrade expects to start purchasing
       the steel pipe supply tender for the Western   importer in Poland. The company also   Azerbaijani gas in early 2024, according
       Black Sea Phase 3 natural gas line project   operates more than 100 fuel stations under   to Serbian Mining and Energy Minister
       being delivered by Turkey’s state-controlled   the Avia brand.           Dubravka Đedović.
       Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (Botas).                                    “Serbia became more involved in the
         The value of the tender was around                                     Southern Gas Corridor project at a later
       Turkish lira (TRY) 1.06bn ($56.4mn), with   Romania’s Romgaz signs       stage, but we are rapidly working on
       Erciyas’ share being TRY 528.7mn, Erciyas                                becoming part of this route. This will allow
       said.                               contract for “possible” imports      us to diversify our sources of gas supplies
         The company’s annual production                                        and ensure their greater security,” Đedović
       capacity is 600,000 tonnes/year.    of Azeri gas                         said in Baku at the ninth ministerial
                                                                                meeting of the Advisory Council on the
                                           Romanian state-controlled gas company   Southern Gas Corridor (SGC).
       Poland’s fuels company Unimot       Romgaz (BVB: SNG)  announced the     the construction of the Bulgaria-Serbia
                                                                                  According to her in the autum  of 2023,
                                           signing of a new “individual contract”
       buys PKN Orlen’s logistics          under the framework agreement concluded   gas interconnector will be completed.
                                                                                “We expect the first gas supplies (from
                                           in November 2022 with Socar Trading, a
       business                            subsidiary of the State Oil Company of the   Azerbaijan) at the beginning of 2024, which
                                           Republic of Azerbaijan.
                                                                                also depends on the speed of commercial
       Warsaw-listed fuels firm Unimot bought   The first individual contract was signed   negotiations of all interested parties. We
       Lotos Terminale, a logistics company, from   on December 16 and “allows for scheduled   hope for the maximum effectiveness of the
       PKN Orlen, the listed state fuels and energy   gas deliveries starting with January 1st,   negotiations so that gas from Azerbaijan
       group, Unimot said on February 5.   2023, through the Southern Corridor.”  can be delivered to Serbia as soon as
         The PLN450mn (€95.36mn) deal comes   It is not clear whether imports were   possible,” she added.
       in the wake of requirements set up by the   actually carried out already.  Đedović said that in Baku she plans
       EU as a condition for the merger of Lotos   The second individual contract “ensures   to hold talks with representatives of
       with PKN Orlen.                     the possibility of gas deliveries up to 1   Azerbaijan on the volume of gas supplies
         The European Commission cleared the   billion cm until March 2024 and shall enter   and price, as well as on receiving electricity
       takeover in 2021 pending PKN Orlen’s   in force on April 1st, 2023.”     from Azerbaijan. Earlier it was reported that
       meeting a list of conditions, such as   It “prolongs the contractual framework   Serbia plans to cover up to 40% of its gas
       divesting a 30% stake in a Lotos refinery in   established by the first individual contract   needs through supplies from Azerbaijan. ™
       Gdansk, the sale of 80% of its fuel stations,   concluded by the companies at the end of
       and offloading both PKN Orlen and Lotos   last year.”
       fuel terminals to a third party.       The gas amounts exported by Azerbaijan

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