Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 44 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                Muisca cash calls. In addition, Frontera will pro-
                                                                                vide M&P up to $6.0mn to be disbursed in 2022
                                                                                in relation to outstanding commitments at COR-
                                                                                15, subject to certain conditions. Following the
                                                                                transaction, EMP and Frontera settled all mutual
                                                                                obligations, removing an estimated $17.2mn in
                                                                                Frontera minimum work commitments sub-
                                                                                sequent to September 30, 2021, and providing
                                                                                certain indemnities to M&P. With the closing of
                                                                                this transaction, Frontera terminated a revolving
                                                                                loan agreement, which required the Company to
                                                                                support 100% of any future development costs in
                                                                                the COR-15 license. Completion of this trans-
                                                                                action supports Frontera’s ongoing efforts to
                                                                                streamline its portfolio, reduce exposure to lia-
                                                                                bilities and exploration commitments and focus
                                                                                on its core assets.
       At Quifa, current production is approximately  licensing is complete and road construction is   Frontera Energy, November 3 2021
       16,300 bpd (including both Quifa and Cajua).  underway in advance of spudding the Jandaya-1
       Frontera drilled one new injector well and con-  exploration well in the Perico block (Fron-
       verted one inactive well into an injector well,  tera 50% and operator GeoPark 50%) in early  MOVES
       which the Company expects will contribute to  December 2021. In the Espejo block (Frontera
       increased production volumes from the Block  50%, GeoPark 50% and operator) 3D seismic   Ecopetrol reports
       through year-end as water disposal volumes  acquisition of 60 square km is expected to start
       increase. Year to date, Frontera has drilled 13  in the fourth quarter.  appointment of new
       development wells at Quifa and the Company   Peru: Remediation work in Block 192 and the
       expects to drill an additional 10 development  Z-1 block continues as the Company pursues its   corporate VP of strategy
       wells in the fourth quarter.        exit from Peru. At the end of the third quarter,
         At CPE-6, current production is approx-  Frontera’s oil inventory in Peru was 480,200 bar-  and new businesses
       imately 5,000 bpd due to continued drilling  rels. The Company expects to sell the remaining
       and construction of additional water-handling  oil inventory in Peru in 2022.  Ecopetrol hereby reports that starting November
       facilities.                            Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca  1, 2021, Nicolás Azcuénaga Ramírez has been
         At Guatiquia, the Company successfully  Approves Conciliation Agreement Between  appointed as the new Corporate Vice President
       completed the Coralillo-4 and Coralillo-5 wells  Frontera, CENIT and Bicentenario, Pending  of Strategy and New Businesses, taking over for
       in the Coralillo field, which are producing over  Formalities: On November 1, 2021, Frontera,  Juan Manuel Rojas. Nicolás Azcuénaga is a busi-
       720 bpd. A third well in Coralillo (Coralillo-9) is  announced that the official webpage of the  ness administrator from Colegio de Estudios
       currently being completed.          Colombian judicial branch reported that the  Superiores de Administración (CESA), has a
         On the VIM-1 Block (Frontera 50%, Parex  Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca had  diploma from Manchester University & Inter-
       50% and operator) the Planadas-1 explora-  approved the conciliation agreement between  national Compliance Association and has more
       tion well has been drilled to a measured depth  Frontera, Cenit Transporte y Logística de  than 20 years of work experience, 16 of them in
       of ~13,700 feet in Cretaceous aged crystalline  Hidrocarburos and Oleoducto Bicentenario  the Oil and Gas industry.
       basement. The well was drilled 6.3 kilometers  de Colombia. Formalities are required in order   The new Vice President has held leadership
       west of the La Belleza-1 discovery well target-  for the mentioned decision to be in full force  positions for financial and commercial manage-
       ing the limestones and sandstones of the CDO  and effect. Consequently, the parties agreed to  ment in different countries, such as Colombia,
       Formation as well as the fractured basement sec-  extend the deadline until November 30, 2021, to  the United Kingdom and Brazil. In Ecopetrol
       tion. The well was positioned 1,425 feet or 434.3  allow for the formalities to be completed.  he has served as CFO for the Upstream Sub-
       metres (true vertical depth) down dip of the La   The approval of the “Conciliation Agree-  sidiaries in the Corporate Vice Presidency of
       Belleza-1 well and 1,140 feet or 347.5 metres  ment” by the Administrative Tribunal of Cundi-  Finance, where he has been responsible for the
       above the regional structural closure in order to  namarca fully resolves all outstanding disputes  financial oversight of various transactions, such
       test the possibility of a continuous hydrocarbon  between the parties related to the Bicentenario  as the acquisition by Hocol of the assets of the
       column existing across the large Apure High  Pipeline and the Caño Limón-Coveñas Pipeline  Chuchupa Ballena assets, the acquisition of a
       on the VIM-1 block. Gas shows were encoun-  and terminates all pending arbitration proceed-  strategic position in the Permian and the Gato
       tered during drilling and a detailed logging pro-  ings related to such disputes.  do Mato asset in Brazil, among others. Since May
       gramme is now underway to identify zones for   Frontera and Etablissement Maurel & Prom  2021, he has been leading the team in charge of
       potential testing.                  Complete Share Transfer: On October 22, 2021,  Ecopetrol’s acquisition of the stake owned by
         At the La Belleza discovery on VIM-1, the  Frontera signed and closed a Sale and Settlement  the Republic of Colombia through the Ministry
       Joint Venture expects early gross production of  Agreement, transferring to Etablissement Mau-  of Finance and Public Credit in Interconexión
       about 2,400 boepd (consisting of 1,400 bpd of  rel & Prom (EMP) 49.999% of all issued and out-  Eléctrica SA (ISA).
       light crude oil per day and 6 mcf per day of con-  standing shares of the Maurel & Prom Colombia   The Company hereby thanks Juan Manuel
       ventional natural gas) to commence in Novem-  (M&P), an entity that holds 100% interests in the  Rojas for his work and the achievements made
       ber 2021.                           COR-15 and Muisca exploration licenses. As a  for the Ecopetrol Group.
         Ecuador: In Ecuador, environmental  result, Frontera committed to fund $1.6mn in   Ecopetrol, October 26 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   04•November•2021
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