Page 6 - AfrOil Week 12 2023
P. 6

AfrOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               AfrOil

                                                                               Rendering of Rovuma LNG onshore facility (Image: Galp)
       ExxonMobil considers

       expanding Rovuma LNG

       The US super-major is looking into the possibility of raising the stalled

       Mozambican project’s production capacity from 15.2mn tpy to 18mn tpy

                         EXXONMOBIL (US) appears to be contem-  attacks in the region that forced Mozambique
                         plating restarting the Rovuma LNG project in   LNG, a separate consortium led by TotalEner-
       WHAT:             the restive Cabo Delgado Province in north-  gies (France), to declare force majeure. However,
       ExxonMobil is looking into   ern Mozambique. The company has called for   the security situation has now improved slightly,
       the possibility of building   expressions of interest (EoIs) to design and con-  following the deployment of foreign peacekeep-
       a larger onshore plant.  struct its LNG plant, according to a statement   ing forces to the region.
                         published in the Mozambican newspaper O Pais   At these signs of optimism, TotalEner-
       WHY:              on March 17.                         gies announced the launch of an independent
       Signs of improving   The project was first approved by the govern-  mission to investigate the humanitarian and
       stability in Cabo Delgado   ment of Mozambique in June 2019. Initial plans   security situation. It also indicated that it was
       may be leading France’s   called for the Rovuma LNG consortium would   considering restarting its LNG project, and now
       TotalEnergies to resume
       work at its own Mozam-  produce, liquefy and market natural gas from   ExxonMobil has followed suit. Additionally, the
       bique LNG project.  three reservoirs of the Mamba complex, a sec-  US giant is planning for a larger onshore facility
                         tion of the Area 4 block in the offshore Rovuma   capable of turning out 18mn tpy, a considerable
       WHAT NEXT:        basin. The group aimed to build a plant with two   increase from its original plan.
       Since no FID has been   liquefaction trains and a total nameplate capac-  According to the statement in O Pais, Exx-
       taken yet, Rovuma LNG   ity of 15.2mn tonnes per year (tpy).  onMobil is seeking a contractor for front-end
       could not start producing   The Rovuma LNG project has been stalled   engineering and design (FEED) work on the
       gas before 2027.  since spring 2021 as a result of the terrorist   Rovuma LNG project.

       P6                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 12   23•March•2023
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