Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 22
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       A summary of the concessions with Petrobras’  subsea structure composed of six gas produc-  secured unambiguous clarity on the tenure of
       expected participation after the conclusion  ing wells. Petrobras is the field operator, with a  the Company’s key southern licences and work
       of the processes before the above-mentioned  35% stake, in partnership with Enauta Partici-  programme obligations from the Government of
       regulatory agencies and the total percentage of  pações (45%), Geopark Brasil E&P de Petróleo e  The Bahamas, confirming that the second explo-
       divestment is below: for ES-M-596_R11, Petro-  Gás Ltda. (10%) and Brasoil Manati Exploração  ration period of the Company’s licenses has been
       bras’ expected share is 100% and the total extent  Petrolífera Ltda. (10%).  extended to the end of 2020, thereby allowing the
       of divestment is up to 50%; for ES-M-598_R11,   Petrobras, June 01 2020  Company adequate time to commence prepa-
       Petrobras’ expected share is 80% and the total                           ration for drilling of an initial exploration well,
       extent of divestment is up to 40%; for ES-M-671_  Petrobras completes the   consistent with the obligations of its licences.
       R11, Petrobras’ expected share is 100% and the                             July 2019 onward: worked with the Govern-
       total extent of divestment is up to 50%; for ES-M-  sale of seven onshore fields   ment of The Bahamas to review and upgrade
       673_R11, Petrobras’ expected share is 80% and                            the Environmental Authorisation application
       the total extent of divestment is up to 40%; and   in the Potiguar Basin  initially lodged by the Company in April 2018,
       for ES-M-743_R11, Petrobras’ expected share is                           with a focus on a drilling campaign that that is
       100% and the total extent of divestment is up to  Petrobras, following up on the release dated  consistent with international best practice per-
       50%.                                September 8, 2019, reports that it has completed  formance standards.
         Concessions are strategically positioned  the sale of its entire interest in seven onshore   August 2019: Signed a framework agreement
       in relation to the post-salt discoveries in areas  production fields, located in the Potiguar Basin,  for the provision of a sixth-generation drilling
       known as Parque dos Deuses, Parque dos Doces  in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, to SPE 3R  rig in 1H 2020, appointed Halliburton for the
       and Parque dos Cachorros in the Espírito Santo  Petroleum, a wholly owned subsidiary of 3R  provision of integrated well services, and Baker-
       Basin, with the potential to prove significant vol-  Petroleum e Participações.  Hughes GE for the provision of various well-re-
       umes and establish a new exploratory frontier for   After fulfilling all of the previous conditions,  lated equipment.
       both pre-salt and post-salt.        the transaction was concluded with the payment   September 2019: AGM approval for the tem-
         Offers will be made by concession, subject  of R$ 676.8mn to Petrobras, already with the  porary authority to issue new shares to underpin
       to the possible for the exercise of the preemp-  adjustments provided for in the contract.  financing of drilling of initial exploration well in
       tive right by the partners and other necessary   Macau Cluster encompasses the fields of Ara-  The Bahamas, if required.
       approvals, as applicable.           tum, Macau, Serra, Salina Cristal, Lagoa Aroeira,   September 2019 onwards: initiated a coor-
       Petrobras, June 01 2020             Porto Carão and Sanhaçu. Petrobras held 100%  dinated funding strategy toward securing the
                                           interest in all concessions, except Sanhaçu con-  funding required for Perseverance #1 in a meas-
       Petrobras starts non-               cession, in which it was the operator with 50%  ured fashion. Initial phase of funding strat-
                                           stake, while the remaining 50% are from Petrogal  egy successfully executed - an Open Offer to
       binding phase in the                Brasil. The current total production of oil and  existing shareholders and Placing which raised
                                           gas from these fields is about 5,000 barrels of oil  gross proceeds of $11.4mn, and entering into an
       Camamu Basin                        equivalent per day (boepd).          agreement for a Conditional Convertible Note
                                                                                Subscription Agreement which, if available
                                           Petrobras, May 31 2020
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed                         and fully drawn, would raise gross proceeds of
       on April 5, 2020, has announced the beginning                            GBP10.25mn.
       of the non-binding phase regarding the sale of its  PERFORMANCE            October 2019: opened temporary Hou-
       stake (35%) in the Manati field, a shallow water                         ston office to accommodate drilling personnel
       maritime production concession located in the   Bahamas Petroleum Co.    consistent with the planned exploration well
       Camamu Basin, in the State of Bahia.                                     activities.
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase   announces final results      December 2019: process initiated seeking
       receive a descriptive memorandum containing                              to provide Bahamians with an opportunity to
       more detailed information on the referred asset,   for 2019              invest in the Company’s nationally significant
       in addition to instructions on the disinvestment                         project, via creation of a Bahamian-domiciled
       process, including guidelines for the preparation  Bahamas Petroleum Co. (BPC), the oil and gas  mutual fund to exclusively hold BPC shares.
       and submission of non-binding proposals. The  exploration company with significant prospec-  December 2019: the Group closed the year
       main subsequent stages of the project will be  tive resources in licences in The Commonwealth  with $11.2mn in cash reserves.
       informed in due course to the market.  of The Bahamas, has announced its final results   Simon Potter, Chief Executive Officer of
         This operation is in line with the strategy  for the year ended December 31, 2019.  Bahamas Petroleum Company, said: “Our explo-
       of portfolio optimisation and improvement of   Highlights for 2019: significant progress  ration well, Perseverance-1, is aptly named. Dur-
       the company’s capital allocation, focusing its  achieved during the year toward drilling the Per-  ing the period of these accounts we achieved so
       resources increasingly on deep and ultra-deep  severance #1 well in 2020, which is targeting P50  much, including unambiguous licence tenure,
       waters, where Petrobras has shown great com-  recoverable prospective resources of 770mn bar-  a rig framework agreement, contracting with
       petitive edge over the years.       rels of oil, with an upside of 1.44bn barrels, solely  globally renowned service companies for our
         The Manati field is located at a distance of  from the northern structural closure portion of  drilling campaign, successfully initiating a fund-
       10 km from the coast of the city of Cairú/BA, in  the B structure. In total the B structure extends  ing strategy with you, the shareholders, coming
       water depths between 35 and 50 metres. The field  between 70 and 80 km, has a mapped areal clo-  first, creating a structure to allow Bahamians
       started operating in 2007 and its average pro-  sure over 400 square km and has an aggregate  the opportunity to invest in their nationally
       duction in 2019 was 105 bpd of condensate and  most likely recoverable resource potential in  significant project and obtaining Environmen-
       1.269mn cubic metres per day of gas, through  excess of 2bn barrels.     tal Authorisation from the Government of The
       the PMNT-1 fixed platform, which involves a   In February 2019, this progress included:  Bahamas.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   04•June•2020
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