Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 37
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The contracting process is already underway and INVESTMENT on the divestment process, including guidelines
the winning companies of the public pre-quali- for due diligence and the submission of binding
fication carried out by Petrobras participate in Petrobras on sale of proposals.
it. The platforms will have the capacity to pro- The concessions, ES-M-596-R11, ES-M-
cess 180,000 bpd of oil and 7.2 mcm per day of E&P asset in Colombia 598-R11, ES-M-671-R11, ES-M-673-R11 and
gas, and are expected to start operating in 2025. ES-M-743-R11 were acquired in the ANP’s 11th
These two units are the result of Petrobras’ strat- Petrobras, following up on the releases disclosed Bidding Round in 2013 and are currently in the
egy of developing new projects of its own plat- on July 27, 2020, and 08 11, 2020, informs the 1st Exploration Period.
forms, incorporating the lessons learned in the beginning of the binding phase regarding the The process of assigning Equinor’s stakes in
FPSOs already installed in the pre-salt, including sale of its entire stake in the exploratory por- all concessions and Total’s stakes in the ES-M-
aspects of contracting and construction. tion of the Tayrona Block, located in the Guajira 671_R11 and ES-M-743_R11 concessions to
September 15 2020 Basin, Colombia. Petrobras is underway. Once the assignment
Potential buyers qualified for this phase will process is concluded, Petrobras will become
receive a process letter with detailed instructions the operator of all the concessions and will hold
PERFORMANCE on the divestment process, including guidelines the following stakes: ES-M-596-R11: Petrobras
for due diligence and the submission of binding with 100% stakes; ES-M-598-R11: Petrobras
Crown Point provides proposals. with 80% stakes and Enauta with 20% stakes;
This disclosure complies with Petrobras ES-M-671-R11: Petrobras with 100% stakes;
operations update internal rules and is aligned with the provisions and ES-M-743-R11: Petrobras with 100% stakes.
of the special procedure for assignment of rights
Petrobras, September 13 2020
Crown Point Energy today provided an update on exploration, development and production of
regarding its operations at Tierra del Fuego oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, Petrobras starts binding
(TDF). As previously reported, the Cruz del Sur provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
storage and offshore loading facility has been out The Tayrona Block is located on Colombia’s phase of sale of power
of service whilst repairs to its offshore loading northeast coast in the deep waters of the Gua-
buoy were being undertaken. The operator of the jira Basin. Petrobras, which is the operator of generation companies
facility, YPF, announced completion of repairs the area, holds a 44.44% stake in the concession
and successful integrity tests in late August through its affiliate Petrobras International Bras- Petrobras, following up on the press release dis-
and has now reopened the facility. On August petro (PIB-BV), in a consortium with Empresa closed on 07/06/2020, informs the beginning of
31, 2020, the Company tanker loaded and sold Colombiana de Petróleos (Ecopetrol), which the binding phase regarding the sale of its stakes
27,173 barrels of oil, held in stock at Cruz del Sur holds the remaining 55.56%. in five power generation companies: Brasympe
since September 2019, at a price of $30.90 per The concession is in the phase of the Poste- Energia (Brasympe), Energética Suape II (Suape
barrel (Brent less $12.85 per barrel). rior Exploration Programme 1 (PEP1) with a II), Termoelétrica Potiguar (TEP), Companhia
On September 4, 2020, production of oil remaining exploratory commitment of drilling Energética Manauara (CEM) and Brentech
from the San Martin oil pool, previously shut a well, with the potential to prove significant vol- Energia (Brentech).
in on March 24, 2020 due to low pricing and no umes of gas (world class prospects) and establish The potential buyers qualified for the binding
export access, was restarted at a restricted aver- position in a new frontier area. The area presents phase will receive a process letter with detailed
age rate of 1,475 (net 512) barrels of oil per day. similarity with discoveries on the margins of the instructions on the divestment process, includ-
Oil is transported through the newly commis- South Atlantic and Caribbean. ing guidelines for due diligence and the submis-
sioned oil pipeline connecting the field to the Petrobras’ stake in the block today is 40%. sion of binding proposals.
Cruz del Sur facility for storage and subsequent The absorption of the 10% of the Equinor Petrobras owns 20% of Brasympe, which in
sale, negating the need for trucking and lowering company is in progress proportionally by the turn owns 60% of Termocabo, which owns a
transportation costs. PIB-BV (4.44%) and Ecopetrol (5.56%), which fuel oil-fired thermoelectric plant located in Per-
The Company’s local gas sales and its gas should be approved by the National Agency of nambuco, with an installed capacity of 49.7 MW.
exports through the San Martin sales gas pipe- Hydrocarbons. It also owns 20% of Suape II, which owns a
line, which crosses the Straits of Magellan and Petrobras, September 15 2020 fuel oil-fired thermoelectric plant located in Per-
connects TDF to mainland industrial and resi- nambuco, with an installed capacity of 381.25
dential markets, have continued uninterrupted. Petrobras starts binding MW. It holds 20% of TEP, which is a holding
Crown Point is an international oil and gas company with a 60% stake in Companhia
exploration and development company incor- phase for sale of stake in Energética Manauara (CEM) and 70% in Areia
porated in Alberta, Canada, trading on the Energia and Água Limpa Energia, owners of
TSX Venture Exchange and with operations in Espirito Santo Basin blocks small hydroelectric plants, located in Tocantins,
Argentina. Crown Point’s exploration and devel- with installed capacity of 11.4 MW and 14 MW,
opment activities are focused in two of the largest Petrobras, following up on the release dated June respectively.
producing basins in Argentina, the Austral basin 10, 2020, informs the beginning of the binding Petrobras also holds 40% of the CEM, which
in the province of Tierra del Fuego and the Neu- phase regarding the sale of a part of its interest has a bi-fuel (diesel and natural gas) thermoelec-
quén basin in the province of Mendoza. Crown in the exploratory blocks belonging to the con- tric plant located in Amazonas with 85.4 MW of
Point has a strategy that focuses on establishing cessions ES-M-596-R11, ES-M-598-R11, ES-M- installed capacity. Petrobras owns 30% of Bren-
a portfolio of producing properties, plus produc- 671-R11, ES-M-673-R11 and ES-M-743-R11, tech, owner of the Usina Termelétrica Goiânia II
tion enhancement and exploration opportuni- located in the Espírito Santo Basin. diesel-powered plant, located in Goiás, with an
ties to provide a basis for future growth. Potential buyers qualified for this phase will installed capacity of 140.3 MW.
Crown Point Energy, September 15 2020 receive a process letter with detailed instructions Petrobras, September 11 2020
Week 3 17•September•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19