Page 12 - MEOG Week 47 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              program.                             talked about the next meeting of the group
                                             The two sides reviewed the developments   and expectations regarding it, it suggested
       Saudi, Iraq to co-operate in        in the global oil markets, stressing the   that prices next year would be between 85-95
                                           importance of working collectively within
                                                                                dollars on Less appreciate.
       gas, renewables                     the framework of the OPEC+ agreement, and   company and the representative of Iraq in
                                                                                  The deputy general manager of the
                                           underlined their countries’ commitment to
       Saudi Arabia and Iraq have agreed to complete  the organization’s decision, which extends to   OPEC, Saadoun Mohsen, told Al-Iraqiya
       work on a number of important joint projects   the end of 2023.          News, and was followed by the Iraqi News
       in the fields of gas, petrochemicals, electricity   ASHARQ               Agency (INA), that “OPEC+’s decision to
       and renewable energy, and to intensify                                   reduce production by two million barrels
       communication between them to discuss                                    per day had an important role in stabilizing
       more joint opportunities.           OIL                                  global markets and the reduction included all
         This came during a meeting on Thursday                                 countries at varying rates and according to the
       between Saudi Energy Minister Prince   Saudi energy minister             amount of their production.”
       Abdulaziz bin Salman, and Iraq’s Deputy                                    He added: “OPEC Plus produces 43
       Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil   denies output increase       million barrels per day, and the proportion of
       Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani Al-Sawad.                                     what Iraq produces is 11% of it, and therefore
         The officials pointed to the progress   discussion                     it is the same percentage of reduction by the
       achieved in the joint electrical interconnection                         decision to reduce production by two million
       project, emphasizing the importance of   Saudi Arabian energy minister Prince   barrels.”
       accelerating the implementation of the plan   Abdulaziz bin Salman said the kingdom is not   He pointed out that “Iraq did not reduce its
       and increasing the capacity of the linkage to   discussing a potential oil output increase with   exports according to this reduction, but rather
       meet the aspirations of their countries.    other OPEC oil producers, state news agency   reduced domestic production and invested in
         A statement said that the officials stressed   SPA reported, denying a Wall Street Journal   the rise in prices by stabilizing the export rate,
       the need to enhance bilateral cooperation in   report earlier on Monday.  a strategy that succeeded in achieving high
       the fields of electricity and renewable energy,   “It is well-known that OPEC+ does not   financial revenues.”
       including operating and maintaining electrical  discuss any decisions ahead of the meeting,”   He continued, “The OPEC Plus group
       networks and stations, and developing   the prince was quoted as saying, referring to   meets every two months to assess the global
       renewable energy plant projects.    the group’s next meeting in December.  market in terms of supply and demand,
         They also agreed to strengthen cooperation   “The current cut of 2 million barrels per   and there are severe fluctuations due to the
       in the area of clean technologies to reduce   day by OPEC+ continues until the end of 2023  repercussions of the Corona pandemic, the
       carbon emissions, within the framework   and if there is need to take further measures   slowdown in the global economy, and the
       of the Green Middle East initiative,   by reducing production to balance supply and   Russian-Ukrainian war, which added burdens
       which is based on the carbon circular   demand we always remain ready to intervene.”  to price stability.”
       economy approach and which includes the   REUTERS                          He pointed out that any future decision
       establishment of a knowledge center and a                                regarding maintaining the current reduction,
       regional complex for carbon capture, use and   Somo: OPEC+ decision did   adding a new reduction, or increasing the
       storage.                                                                 quantities produced will take into account the
         The meeting touched on the importance   not reduce Iraq’s exports      market situation and aim to create balance.
       of exchanging experiences in the field of                                There is a meeting of the OPEC Plus group on
       reducing greenhouse gas and methane   Iraq’s state oil marketer Somo said this week   December 3-4, which will study the current
       emissions, and benefiting from the Kingdom’s   that the OPEC+ decision to cut production   situation and issue balanced decisions.
       experience in the liquid fuel displacement   did not reduce Iraq’s oil exports, and while it   Regarding expectations for oil prices next

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   23•November•2022
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