Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 29
P. 13

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Net4Gas scales back gas link plans

        CZECH REPUBLIC   CZECH gas grid operator Net4Gas has scaled  receive regulatory support. The EU had earlier
                         back plans for new gas links with Austria and  funded studies on both pipelines.
      Net4Gas was unable to   Poland, after failing to get EU financial support.  “The current 10-year plan does not expect
      get the projects on the   The company’s Stork II pipeline was due to  the BACI and STORK II projects in their ear-
      EU's list of projects of   become operational in 2023, pumping up to  lier planned form, mainly because they are not
      common interest.   13.7mn cubic metres per day (5bn cubic metres  at the moment included in the European list of
                         per year) of gas in the direction of the Czech  projects of common interest,” Net4Gas said in a
                         Republic and 19.6 mcm per day in the direction  statement to Reuters.
                         of Poland. Net4Gas was also looking to build an   Net4Gas operates over 3,800 km of pipelines
                         18 mcm per day bidirectional pipeline connect-  in the Czech Republic and shares cross-border
                         ing the Czech Republic with Austria, known as  infrastructure with Germany, Poland and Slova-
                         BACI, by 2024.                       kia. It handles predominantly Russian gas, arriv-
                           However, Net4Gas has excluded both pro-  ing in Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline that
                         jects in its 2021-2030 development programme  runs under the Baltic Sea to northern Germany.
                         published this month. It may build smaller-sized   The company has recently been investing in
                         interconnections instead, depending on the  extra infrastructure to boost flows from Ger-
                         results of capacity auctions scheduled for 2021.  many, in preparation of the launch of the Nord
                           The operator has also pushed back the launch  Stream 2 pipeline. Like the first Nord Stream,
                         of these potential pipelines, to 2027-28 for the  Nord Stream 2 will also pump up to 55 bcm per
                         Polish link and 2026 for the connection with  year of Russian gas. It is due on stream in early
                         Austria.                             2021, a year behind schedule because of permit-
                           Net4Gas was unable to get either STORK II  ting delays in Denmark and US sanctions.
                         or BACI on the EU’s projects of common interest   Net4Gas is a 50:50 joint venture between Alli-
                         (PCIs) list, which can gain access to grants from  anz Infrastructure Czech HoldCo II and Cana-
                         the bloc’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and  da’s OMERS pension plan. ™

       Azerbaijan warns that oil, gas

       infrastructure at risk

        AZERBAIJAN       ELSHAD Nassirov, vice president of Azeri state  through Georgia, Turkey, Greece and Albania
                         energy company Socar, noted during a confer-  and across the Adriatic Sea seabed.
       Fifteen servicemen from   ence call reported by Reuters that some of the   “The pipeline will be ready and operational in
       Azerbaijan and Armenia   energy infrastructure involved in shipping Cas-  time in October-November this year,” he report-
       have been killed in   pian oil and gas to world markets is located in the  edly said.
       border clashes.   vicinity of the current military operations.  Armenia on July 18 also warned about secu-
                            Fifteen servicemen from Azerbaijan and  rity risks to the region after Azerbaijan said two
                         Armenia and one Azeri civilian died last week in  days previously it might strike the Metsamor
                         clashes between the two countries.   nuclear power plant.
                            Nassirov told the call that if they looked at   “This is a statement that should be unequiv-
                         a map they would see that clashes had taken  ocally considered a crime against humanity ...
                         place near some of its infrastructure. He said  it should be given an appropriate international
                         the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, the Baku-  response and probe,” Armenian Prime Minister
                         Supsa oil pipeline, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum gas  Nikol Pashinyan said.
                         pipeline and some other facilities were located   Nassirov spoke on a conference call organ-
                         not far from the territory where clashes had  ised by US-based think-tank the Caspian Policy
                         taken place.                         Center. He called on the West to help protect
                            Nassirov also mentioned the Trans-Adriatic  Azerbaijan’s energy exports.
                         Pipeline (TAP), the last stretch of the South-  “I would use this opportunity to invite our
                         ern Gas Corridor (SCG) set of interconnected  colleagues in Washington and elsewhere to think
                         pipeline. The corridor, when operational, is set  about how fragile ... this region is and to think
                         to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas  how to provide ... military and physical security
                         supplies with the provision of Azerbaijani gas  to the corridor, which is providing energy secu-
                         from the Caspian Sea to Italy via a route running  rity to Europe,” Nassirov said. ™

       Week 29   22•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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