Page 19 - FSUOGM Week 29
P. 19

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Russian Transneft                   Gazprom Nedra starts                 pandemic, the country’s Antimonopoly
                                                                                Agency claims that the “real wholesale cost”
       supported by most of                drilling rig mobilisation            of a litre of LNG should currently stand at
       government in tariff row            delivery from port of                under the Government of Tajikistan,
                                                                                  The head of Antimonopoly Agency
       with Rosneft                        Murmansk                             Abdumajid Muminzoda, told reporters last
                                                                                week that the agency is currently inspecting
       Russian oil pipeline operator Transneft is   Gazprom Nedra has started the mobilization   a number of companies supplying LNG
       supported by most of the government in the   and delivery of an offshore drilling rig from   to Tajikistan. Muminzoda noted the price
       row over the company's tariffs for oil pipeline   the port of Murmansk to the place where   increases may be “unlawful”.
       transportation started by state oil giant Rosneft,   geological exploration is underway on the
       Kommersant daily reported on July 17 citing   continental shelf of the Kara Sea. On July 18,
       unnamed sources.                    the Nanhai VIII semi-submersible floating   Moldovan businessman
         As reported by bne IntelliNews, Rosneft   drilling rig left the port together with the
       and Transneft are in a bitter dispute   towing and escort vessels, the company   closer to foreclosing on
       over the compensations for the dirty oil   informed.
       incident at the Druzhba pipeline in 2019,   The semi-submersible floating drilling   Kazakh oilfield
       as well as oil pipeline transportation   rig was engaged by Gazprom Nedra for
       tariffs.                            offshore drilling exploration works at the   The Amsterdam Court of Appeal published its
         Reportedly, the Ministry of Energy,   Leningradskoye gas condensate field.  judgment in the case of Anatolie Stati et al v the
       the Ministry of Finance and the Federal   Gazprom Nedra is a wholly-owned   Republic of Kazakhstan, rejecting Kazakhstan’s
       Antimonopoly Service (FAS) are arguing   subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom, one of Russia's  appeal, therefore affirming recognition on
       that the tariffs and their indexation   leading multi-business service companies   Dutch soil of a $543mn arbitral award issued
       schedule should be left intact. Only the   in the oil and gas industry. Gazprom Nedra   by a Stockholm-seated arbitral tribunal in
       Ministry of Economic Development sees   was established in 2019 by integrating the   December 2013.
       the tariffs as high and supports cutting   production potentials of Gazprom georesurs   The Dutch court ruling is the latest
       them five-fold to 5% by 2025.       and Gazprom geologorazvedka.         development in the Stati parties' long-
         The EconMin argues that Transneft's                                    running international battle to enforce
       profitability is high enough to afford lower                             the award for Kazakhstan's violations of
       tariffs (the profit margin is estimated at                               the investor protection provisions of the
       22.6% and growing to 25% by 2024), while   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH          Energy Charter Treaty. Back in 2013, a
       noting that Transneft faces considerably                                 Sweden based arbitration tribunal found
       less risks than its peers in other   CAUCASUS                            that Kazakhstan had violated international
       competitive oil transportation markets.                                  law by failing to treat the Stati parties'
         Transneft representatives commented   Tajikistan sees a rise of        investments in Kazakhstan fairly and
       to Kommersant that the margins on                                        equitably.
       oil transportation alone do not exceed   over 50% in LNG prices            Anatolie Stati, the CEO and sole
       10%, while lowering the tariffs to 5%                                    shareholder of Ascom Group, one of the
       would make infrastructure investment   since end-May                     award creditors, said that “the judgment
       impossible.                                                              also paves the way for the foreclosure of the
         Denis Marichenko of Fitch Ratings   Liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices in Tajikistan  attached shares in KMG Kashagan B.V.”
       reminded that lower tariffs would hurt   have risen more than 50% in Dushanbe to Tajik   In the meantime, the award creditors
       the shareholders through lower dividends,   somoni (TJS) 4.40 (€0.37) per litre as of July 16,   will continue with their efforts to collect
       but believes that as the oil prices recover,   up from TJS2.50 recorded at the end of May,   any and all amounts due under the award
       the debate over transportation tariffs will   Asia-Plus news agency reported.  and related legal costs in all available
       become less relevant.                  The majority of Tajik vehicles rely on   jurisdictions, Stati also said.
         Most recent reports suggested that   LNG for fuel instead of petrol, as LNG is
       Transneft and Russian Railways (RZD)   relatively cheaper. The spike in LNG prices
       so far lack a clear decision on 2019   has led to an increase in taxi fares and the
       dividends, despite the Finance Ministry   cost of freight in the country.
       counting on compliance with the 50% of   While some of the rise in LNG prices
       IFRS net profit payout requirement.  may be due to economic troubles that have
                                           hit the country and its regional neighbours
                                           due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)

       Week 29   22•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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