Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 29
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Russia raises quotas for open-

       market fuel sales

       Authorities want to keep wholesale prices in check and safeguard against shortages

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Energy Ministry and its Federal Anti-  Returning to normality
                         monopoly Service (FAS) have agreed on raising  A major factor behind rising wholesale prices
       WHAT:             the minimum amounts of gasoline and diesel  has been a faster-than-expected recovery in fuel
       Russia's energy ministry   that suppliers are required to sell on the open  demand following the easing the COVID-19
       and its federal regulator   market.                    restrictions. Some suppliers were caught una-
       have agreed to raise the   The move is aimed at keeping wholesale  wares, having scaled back refining operations in
       minimum amounts of   fuel prices in check and safeguarding against  response to low demand. A lot of seasonal main-
       gasoline and diesel that   shortages, following the sharp recovery in fuel  tenance was also underway at plants, resulting in
       suppliers have to sell on   demand as coronavirus-related restrictions  gasoline output slumping to a 15-year low in May.
       the open market.  were eased. In particular, the government wants   Speaking last week, Russia’s deputy energy
                         to ensure that independent fuel retailers have  minister, Pavel Sorokin, said he was hopeful
       WHY:              access to enough supply and at an affordable  that gasoline production would recover to the
       Authorities want to keep   price.                      pre-crisis level this month. By the end of this
       wholesale prices in   Major fuel suppliers Rosneft, Lukoil and Gaz-  month, the ministry expects output to be 3%
       check, following a faster-  prom Neft currently have to sell at least 10% of  higher than the same time last year, and 16%
       than-expected recovery   their gasoline and 6% of diesel on exchanges –  more than the level in June.
       from record low fuel   namely the St Petersburg International Mercan-  Production amounted to 80,200 tonnes per
       demand during the height   tile Exchange (SPIMEX). They can face fines for  day in June 1, but rose to 99,600 tpd by June 14
       of Russia's coronavirus   violating these antitrust rules.  and 107,900 tpd by June 28, according to the
       lockdowns.          The quotas will now be raised to 11% for gas-  ministry, reaching a height of 125,900 tpd on July
                         oline and 7.5% for diesel, the energy ministry  14. Further growth is expected in August, as the
       WHAT NEXT:        and the FAS said in a joint statement on July 17.  relaxing of OPEC+ restrictions means oil firms
       The energy ministry is   These requirements will also apply to all refiners  will have more spare crude to refine.
       deciding whether to lift a   and not only the dominant ones, and new meas-  At the same time, though, the ministry is
       ban on fuel imports.  ures will be put in place to punish those that do  forecasting a major surge in demand this month,
                         not comply.                          and has urged suppliers to export less fuel to
                           “The initiatives of the parties will be imple-  avoid domestic shortages. It predicts that gas-
                         mented in a joint order as soon as possible,” the  oline and diesel shipments overseas will drop
                         energy ministry and FAS said.        to their lowest level in a year and a half in July.
                           FAS had earlier called for as much as 15% of  Gasoline exports could plunge by 45% m/m to
                         gasoline and 9% of diesel to be sold on the open  115,000 tonnes, while diesel deliveries are seen
                         market, but the energy ministry argued that  falling 10% to 2.4mn tonnes.
                         such a move was unfeasible. Some companies   With demand and supply both now returning
                         with large filling station networks in relation to  to normal levels, the Russian government plans
                         their refining operations, such as Gazprom Neft,  to hold a meeting this week with oil companies
                         would have struggled to meet such quotas with-  to discuss whether or not to lift a ban on fuel
                         out jeopardising supplies to their own pumps.  imports. This ban was put in force in late May,
                           In a research note on July 17, VTB Capital  to protect domestic refiners from cheaper for-
                         (VTBC) said the decision by FAS and the minis-  eign competition, and had been due to remain
                         try was driven by the recent growth in wholesale  in force until October 1.
                         fuel prices. In June, wholesale prices for 92 gas-  Prices collapsed in fuel markets across Europe
                         oline in Central Russia rose by 23% month on  as motorists stayed at home during lockdowns,
                         month, it estimated.                 causing demand to sink. But prices remained
                           At the same time, pump prices have remained  high in Russia owing to the damper mechanism,
                         stable throughout the pandemic, owing to a  making this a more attractive market for for-
                         so-called damper mechanism added to Russian  eign refiners. Most of the extra gasoline that was
                         oil taxation last year. This has squeezed the mar-  imported came from Belarus and Kazakhstan.
                         gins of independent fuel retailers.    While Russia’s energy ministry does not
                           The damper mechanism is designed to avoid  envisage any serious fuel shortages emerging,
                         spikes in fuel prices. It means that fuel suppliers pay  with Russian gasoline demand still anticipated
                         extra tax into the budget when domestic oil product  to lag 5% below supply, allowing fuel imports
                         prices are higher than export netbacks, but receive a  to resume now that conditions are stabilising
                         subsidy when it is the other way around.  would seem a prudent step. ™

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