Page 27 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 27

EurOil                        NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           EurOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Oil & Gas Roundup  The agreements set out the rights and obligations
                         Global (NRG), in which the reader is invited  that Lukoil would have as a subsoil user at the
                         to join our team of international editors, who  blocks in partnership with KMG.
                         provide a snapshot of some of the key issues
                         affecting their regional beats. We hope you will  LNG Demand Soars In Baltics As Region
                         like NRG's new concise format, but by clicking  Continues Pivot Away From Russian Gas
                         on the headline link for each section the full text  Baltic countries are securing liquified natural
                         will be available as before.         gas (LNG) in vast quantities seeking to take
                                                              advantage of falling gas prices as the northern
                         AfrOil:  Galp  Agrees  To  Sell  Angolan  Up-  European nations accelerate the diversification
                         stream Assets To Somoil For $830mn   of their energy supply after quitting Russian
                         Portugal’s Galp has arranged to sell its   gas following the invasion of Ukraine.
                         upstream assets in Angola to Sociedade   With gas prices plummeting by over 80%
                         Petrolífera Angolana (Somoil), a local   since peaking in August, LNG cargoes have
                         company, for a total consideration of   become increasingly attractive compared to
                         approximately $830mn after capital gains   alternatives such as fuel oil and coal.
                           Galp announced the deal on February 13,  LatAmOil: Pemex’s Legacy Refineries Con-
                         saying it had already signed an agreement   tinue To Underperform
                         with Somoil.                         Mexico’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex
                                                              fell short of its goals for boosting refining
                         AsianOil: Increased LNG Orders In China  capacity utilisation in 2022 and is likely to
                         Mask Rural Shortages                 continue doing so in 2023-2024, despite
                         Despite much being made of China’s post-  ongoing efforts to improve performance.
                         COVID recovery and increased LNG orders   As Mexico Business News noted on
                         of late, the increase in gas flows to China is   February 9, Pemex said previously that it
                         also needed to help alleviate shortages in some  hoped to see its six existing refineries –
                         of the country’s more rural areas.   Cadereyta, Madero, Minatitlan, Salamanca,
                           The nation’s Hebei Province, a large pocket   Salina Cruz and Tula – boost capacity
                         of land surrounding Beijing, is a prime   utilisation to 1.375mn barrels per day (bpd) in
                         example.                             2023 and 2024.

                         DMEA: Cabinda Tests To Begin In Decem-  MEOG: Kish Gas Development Deal Signed
                         ber                                  Two state-owned Iranian firms signed a $900mn
                         The developer of Angola’s Cabinda refinery   deal last week for the development of the country’s
                         said this week that the project is expected to   second-largest gas field in the Persian Gulf.
                         be completed by the end of the year, with test   A signing ceremony was held in Tehran
                         runs due to begin in mid-December.   over the weekend between the Iranian
                           Speaking during a press conference last   Offshore Engineering and Construction Co.
                         week, Marcus Weyll, director general of   (IOEC) and Pars Oil and Gas Co.
                         UK-based Gemcorp, said that his company
                         is committed to commissioning the refinery’s   NorthAmOil: Equinor Receives Licence For
                         first phase during Q4, and will swiftly move   Discovery Off Newfoundland
                         forward with work on the second and third   The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador
                         phases.                              Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has
                                                              issued a license to Equinor for the Cappahayden   See the archive and
                         FSUOGM:  Lukoil  Signs Deal To Develop  K-67 discovery in the province's waters. The   sign up to receive
                         Caspian Fields Off Kazakhstan        board estimates that it holds about 385mn barrels   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         Russia’s Lukoil has signed several deals with   of recoverable oil. It is C-NLOPB’s first such   for free by email each
                         Kazakhstan’s state-owned KazMunayGas   licence in two years.             week here
                         (KMG) on developing the Kalamkas-Sea,   The field, in the Flemish Pass region about
                         Khazar and Auezov blocks in the Kazakh   500 km east of St John’s, Newfoundland, was
                         Caspian Sea.                         discovered in 2020.

       Week 09   03•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P27
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