Page 17 - MEOG Week 09
P. 17

MEOG                          NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global   The project will involve expanding an exist-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  ing 10-MW electrolyser to a capacity of 100 MW.
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  Using green hydrogen produced from the elec-
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  trolyser as well as biomass, the PTL unit would
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  produce 100,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of syn-
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  thetic kerosene and naphtha.
                         link for each section the full text will be available
                         as before.                           FSU OGM: Kazakhstan’s big oil find
                                                              Local authorities in Kazakhstan’s oil-rich west-
                         AfrOil: Sasol’s gas FID              ern Mangistau region have reported the discov-
                         South Africa’s Sasol has made a final invest-  ery of what could be the region’s biggest oil find
                         ment decision (FID) on the development of  since the country’s independence in 1991.
                         an onshore natural gas field in neighbouring   A power gush of oil was reported at an explo-
                         Mozambique. This move will allow the com-  ration well drilled by a local company called
                         pany to move forward with this $760mn project,  Meridian Petroleum, the Mangistau provincial
                         which will include overland gas shipments to  government said in a statement on February 26.
                         South Africa, LPG production for the local mar-  The field has been named after celebrated Sovi-
                         ket and the construction of a gas-fired thermal  et-era oilman Khalel Uzbekgaliyev.
                         power plant (TPP).
                                                              GLNG: Jordan Cove LNG in doubt
                         AsianOil: IOC plans Panipat expansion  The future of Pembina Pipeline’s proposed Jor-
                         State-run refiner Indian Oil Corp. (IOC) has  dan Cove LNG export terminal in Oregon looks
                         unveiled a multi-billion-dollar plan to expand  increasingly in doubt, with the company taking a
                         the capacity of its Panipat refinery by 200,000  write-down on its investment in the project.
                         barrels per day.                       Pembina now says it can no longer predict
                           The company said on February 26 that it  when the facility may be built, and is evaluating
                         would invest INR329.46bn ($4.49bn) to increase  the path forward.
                         the facility’s capacity to 500,000 bpd by Septem-
                         ber 2024.                            LatAmOil: Ecopetrol comments on ISA bid
                                                              Colombia’s national oil company (NOC) Eco-
                         DMEA: Dangote to the rescue          petrol has defended its decision to submit a bid
                         The refinery currently being built by Nigeria’s  for a majority stake in Interconexion Electrica
                         Dangote Group has once again been hailed as a  SA (ISA), the country’s electricity transmission
                         potential saviour for Nigeria. This time, the gov-  system operator (TSO). According to Felipe
                         ernor of the country’s Central Bank has said that  Bayon, the company’s CEO, the TSO is a good
                         once it comes into production the 650,000 barrel  investment, even though it falls outside Ecopet-
                         per day (bpd) facility will sell products in naira,  rol’s core business.
                         saving the government from spending around
                         41% of its foreign exchange on petroleum prod-  NorthAmOil: Crude-by-rail on the rebound
                         uct imports.                         Canadian crude-by-rail exports are reported to
                                                              be rebounding after falling almost 40% in 2020,
                         EurOil: European refining developments  according to the Canada Energy Regulator
                         Royal Dutch Shell is looking to construct the first  (CER).
                         ever commercial bio-power-to-liquid (bio-PTL)   The regulator’s data show that crude-by-rail
                         unit at its Rheinland refinery in Germany, the  exports averaged 172,013 barrels per day, com-
                         company said on February 26.         pared with 280,272 bpd in 2019.™

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                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
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       Week 09   03•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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