Page 8 - EurOil Week 35 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Gazprom burning $10mn of gas per day

       at Nord Stream 1 flow point in Russia

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA  is estimated to be burning some  to shift, they can sometimes flare it rather than
                         GBP8.4mn ($9.9mn) per day of natural gas after  simply shutting down facilities, as it may be tech-
       Russia has cut gas flow   curtailing supplies to Europe and having limited  nically difficult and costly to start them up again
       to Europe, but taking   remaining space domestically to store it, the BBC  afterwards.
       assets offline may be   has reported.                    Gazprom had intended to launch the 1.5mn
       too costly.         The flaring of gas at a new Gazprom-owned  tonne per year (tpy) Portovaya LNG plant in
                         LNG plant in Portovaya compressor on Russia’s  2019, but the project has faced repeated delays
                         Baltic Sea was first reported by Finnish media  since then, and Western sanctions and the with-
                         several weeks ago. Satellite monitoring of heat  drawal of Western contractors, suppliers, tech-
                         levels at the plant indicates that it has been hap-  nology providers and financiers from Russia’s
                         pening since July 11, and Rystad estimates it  oil and gas sector in recent months is unlikely to
                         amounts to 4.34mn cubic metres of gas being  have improved matters.
                         burnt each day. This is equal to 1.58 bcm of gas   Rystad estimates that the amount of gas that is
                         each year.                           being flared would be enough to meet the needs
                           The LNG plant is located near to the Por-  of 1.5mn European homes, at a time when the
                         tovaya compressor station that handles gas  continent is scrambling to find new sources of
                         flow to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline,  supply amid extreme market tightness and soar-
                         which is currently operating at only a fifth of its  ing prices on the spot market.
                         capacity. There is still no guidance on when the   Gazprom estimated on August 26 that Rus-
                         pipeline might increase its flow, as Gazprom has  sian gas storage facilities were now 91.4% full,
                         complained it is waiting for sufficient assurances  which is an unusually high level of utilisation for
                         that equipment from the plant can be repaired  the first time of year, with the heating season still
                         overseas without complications as a result of  a far way off. In 2021, the company did not fill its
                         sanctions.                           stores in Russia until November 8. So far, Russian
                           Flaring is a typical practice at various oil and  production has mostly been on an upward trend
                         gas infrastructure, but experts told the BBC  this year in spite of significant cuts to European
                         that the scale of the flaring at Portovaya is very  supply. But output could falter once storage sites
                         unusual. If operators have too much spare gas  run out of space. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2022
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