Page 13 - MEOG Week 06 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       OIL                                 ports, an Iraqi oil source has said.  GAS
       India’s top refiner raises          Idemitsu Kosan yet to                TPAO wraps up all planned

       Iraq oil supplies                                                        well tests on Sakarya

       Indian Oil Corp. (IOC), the country’s top   consider resuming Iran oil   Turkish oil and gas operator TPAO has
       refiner, will increase crude purchases from   imports                    completed all planned flow tests in the
       Iraq by 11.5% in 2022 to 390,000 barrels per                             Sakarya gas field located in the Black Sea,
       day (bpd), partly to make up for a shortfall   Japan’s second largest refiner Idemitsu Kosan   obtaining important information regarding
       from Mexico and a possible supply cut from   said Feb. 8 it is yet to consider resuming   the potential of the field.
       Kuwait, two sources familiar with the matter   Iranian crude oil imports, despite the recent   It is worth noting that Turkey has recently
       said. Iraq is the top supplier of oil to India and   US move to grant some sanctions relief to   changed its name to Türkiye.
       its market share there is set to rise as another   Tehran’s civil nuclear program.  The first flow test on the Türkali-1
       refiner Hindustan Petroleum Corp will also   “At this moment, we do not have any   appraisal well was completed in January 2022
       buy more crude from the Middle Eastern   plans to resume [imports of] Iranian crude   and the first reservoir section flowed gas at a
       nation. India is the world’s third biggest oil   oil,” Yoshitaka Onuma, general manager of   rate of 1.15 MMSCMD (40.4 MMSCFD) with
       importer.                           Idemitsu Kosan’s finance department, told an   results proving excellent well deliverability
         IOC has resorted to buying higher volumes   online earnings press conference.  and reservoir connectivity.
       from Iraq as Mexico is curbing supplies as it   The US State Department notified   TPAO has now performed the second flow
       opens a new refinery, sources said.  Congress Feb. 4 that it was restoring a   test of Türkali-1 appraisal well in the Sakarya
         Indian refiners also expect oil supplies   sanctions waiver to allow third-party   gas field and the second reservoir section
       from Kuwait could be cut in the next fiscal   participation in nuclear non-proliferation and   flowed gas at a rate of 0.62 MMSCMD (21.9
       year starting in April as Kuwait aims to start   safety projects, in particular with respect to   MMSCFD). Results from this test also proved
       its 615,000 bpd Al-Zour refinery this year, the   rising stockpiles of enriched uranium in Iran,   excellent well deliverability and reservoir
       sources said.                       a senior State official said on the condition of   connectivity, according to TPAO.
         Last year, Kuwait had initially signed   anonymity.                      Melih Han Bilgin, TPAO’s Chairman and
       a nine-month oil supply contract with   The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of   CEO, indicated that: “All planned well tests are
       Indian refiners but later extended it by three   2015 set restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program   completed successfully. The results provided
       months to March 2022 due to a delay in the   in exchange for relief from US sanctions. The   important information for us regarding the
       commissioning of Al-Zour refinery.  Trump administration reimposed sanctions   potential of the field.”
         Mexico’s national oil company Pemex   on Iran’s oil, petrochemicals, shipping, and   The planned flow tests were carried out
       has agreed to supply 22,000 bpd (1.1 million   other sectors, in 2018. Talks to revive the   at two appraisal wells and five different
       tonnes) of oil to IOC, the sources said.  JCPOA stalled mid-2021 but restarted in   reservoirs. To remind, the first flow test of the
         Last year, IOC had term deals to buy   December. Japan suspended its Iranian oil   Türkali-2 appraisal well was completed in late
       350,000 bpd (17.5 million tonnes) from Iraq’s   imports in May 2019, after briefly resuming   July 2021. Data and samples acquired from
       oil marketing company SOMO, and about   inflows in February for the first time in four   the flow tests are being evaluated to further
       40,000 bpd (2 million tonnes) from Pemex,   months, after the US declined to extend its   optimise the field development work and to
       one of the sources said. IOC, SOMO, Iraq’s   180-day sanctions waiver beyond early May   refine the front-end engineering and design
       oil ministry and Pemex did not respond to   on Iranian oil imports. Japan’s 2019 Iranian oil   (FEED). First gas is expected to reach the
       Reuters requests for comment. As OPEC’s   imports totalled 17.10 million barrels, down   Filyos gas processing terminal in 2023.
       second-largest oil producer, Iraq will be able   63.2% from 46.51 million barrels in 2018,   Türkali-1, an ultra-deep offshore appraisal
       to boost exports by as much as 250,000 bpd   according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade   well, has been drilled to a total depth of 3,920
       from the second quarter after finishing the   and Industry data.         meters in 2,143 meters water depth. It was the
       installation of pumping stations at its Gulf   S&P PLATTS                first appraisal well drilled in the Sakarya gas

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