Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Tie light oil field was discovered in 2009.  their energy in one direction versus another, this  PERFORMANCE
       Maha purchased the field in 2017 and immedi-  project’s omni-directional source is designed to
       ately embarked on an expansion project of the  give out energy uniformly in all directions which   Crown Point announces
       field and the oil processing facilities. At acquisi-  will be key to 4D repeatability for this rich azi-
       tion, the Tie field was producing 1,300 bpd of oil  muth deepwater OBN acquisition.  results for 9M-2020
       and the processing facilities were rated to handle   Shearwater GeoServices, November 26 2020
       up to 2,000 bpd of oil.                Aker Solutions wins maintenance and modi-  and Q3-2020
         During 2018 and 2019, Maha recompleted  fications contract in Brazil from Equinor
       two wells and placed them on jet pumps. Maha   Aker Solutions has won a framework agree-  Crown Point Energy today announced its oper-
       also drilled a new producer at the crest of the  ment with Equinor to provide maintenance and  ating and financial results for the three and nine
       structure. In parallel to the recompletions and  modifications services at the Peregrino field, off-  months ended September 30, 2020.
       drilling, the Tie field processing facilities were  shore Brazil. The contract has a fixed period of   During Q3-2020, the Company: Reported
       upsized to handle and process 5,000 bpd of oil.  four years and includes an option for a two-year  net cash from operating activities of $30,000
       In 2020, Maha installed two large compressors to  extension.             and funds flow used by operating activities of
       provide the ability to reinject any unsold associ-  The new contract means an expansion of the  $500,000; Earned $2.4mn of oil and natural gas
       ated natural gas. The compression system allows  more than 40 years of co-operation in the North  sales revenue on average daily sales volumes of
       the field to continue to produce oil even if the  Sea. “We are excited to build on our strong rela-  1,240 boepd, down from $9.6mn of oil and nat-
       associated gas off-take is interrupted.   tionship with Equinor,” said Linda Litlekalsøy  ural gas sales revenue earned on average daily
         The oil is trucked to two customers nearby  Aase, executive vice president, electrification,  sales volumes of 2,518 boepd in Q3-2019 due
       and the associated gas is compressed and also  maintenance and modifications at Aker Solu-  to lower production from natural gas wells due
       sold on the local market.           tions. “Together, we will ensure safe and suc-  to natural decline rates combined with delivery
         The Company also hold interests in six other  cessful operations in Brazil, work to extend the  restrictions at the Cruz del Sur terminal that
       exploration blocks in the Reconcavo Basin.  lifetime of Equinor´s assets and find low-carbon  required the UTE to shut-in the San Martin field
       These blocks are in varying stages of exploration.  solutions where possible.”  from March 24, 2020 to September 4, 2020.
       Maha Energy, November 25 2020          Brazil is a vital market where Aker Solutions   Received an average of $2.46 per mcf for nat-
                                           sees opportunities for several types of deliver-  ural gas and $30.99 per barrel for oil compared
                                           ies. The company’s strategy is to use its subsea  to $3.56 per mcf for natural gas and $53.83 per
       SERVICES                            manufacturing facilities in the country as a hub  barrel for oil received in Q3-2019; Reported
                                           to serve both local projects and international  an operating netback of $4.17 per BOE, down
       Shearwater GeoServices              developments.                        from $21.08 per BOE in Q3-2019 due to lower
                                              In recent years, Aker Solutions has won sev-
                                                                                sales volumes and the drop in oil and natural
       awarded Petrobras OBN 4D            eral subsea contracts from Equinor, where parts  gas prices in Argentina combined with over-
                                           of the subsea equipment are manufactured in  all higher per BOE operating costs due to the
       baseline survey                     Brazil. This includes projects such as Johan Cast-  decrease in sales volumes; Commenced the
                                                                                transport of oil through the newly commis-
                                           berg, Troll and Breidablikk in Norway.
       Shearwater GeoServices has announced the   The value of the frame agreement depends  sioned Company-owned oil pipeline (the San
       award by Petrobras of a large Ocean Bottom  on the amount of work requested by the client.  Martin oil pipeline) connecting the San Martin
       Node 4D Baseline survey over the Jubarte Field  Orders will be booked as they are received. No  field to the Cruz del Sur facility for storage and
       in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil.  order intake will be booked at this stage.  subsequent sale, negating the need for certain
         Shearwater has positioned itself as a leading   Aker Solutions, November 23 2020  trucking and lowering transportation costs;
       player in the deepwater OBN market, build-                               Repaid $600,000 (ARS 42.7mn) and obtained
       ing on its established leading positions in the                          $1.2mn (ARS 85.2mn) of short-term working
       hybrid and shallow water ocean bottom seismic                            capital loans.
       markets.                                                                   La Angostura Concession: Repair work at
         “We  welcome  this  contract  awarded  by                              the YPF operated Cruz del Sur oil storage and
       Petrobras and look forward to supporting their                           offshore tanker loading facility was completed
       continued ambitions in the Jubarte Field,” said                          and the facility was reopened in August 2020.
       Irene Waage Basili, the CEO of Shearwater Geo-                           On August 31, 2020, the Company sold 27,173
       Services. “This deepwater OBN award reflects                             barrels of oil, held in stock at Cruz del Sur since
       our experience in operating offshore Brazil, our                         September 2019. On September 4, 2020, oil pro-
       position in the deepwater OBN segment and our                            duction from the San Martin oil pool, previously
       strategy of marine seismic leadership and unique                         shut in on March 24, 2020 due to low pricing
       in-house developed technology and solutions.”                            and no export access, was restarted at an initial
         The 810-square km survey will commence                                 restricted average rate of 1,475 (net 512) bpd of
       in the first half of 2021 and be conducted over a                        oil. During October 2020, oil production was
       three-month period.                                                      increased to an average of 2,328 (net 809) bpd
         The survey will utilise the SW Diamond                                 of oil. Oil is now transported through the San
       operating Shearwater’s unique 3x3 source, which                          Martin oil pipeline.
       is equipped with three sub-arrays on each of the                           Las Violetas Concession: Natural gas produc-
       three sources, compared to the conventional two,                         tion from the Las Violetas concession remained
       allowing increased efficiency without source                             uninterrupted during the September 2020
       compromise. While conventional sources vary                              period.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   26•November•2020
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