Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 11 2022
P. 14

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       to RUB1 trillion of the sovereign National   gas pipelines of Azerbaijan transported 6.8   providers could dry up in the next 6-8
       Welfare Fund for buying shares in order   bcm of gas (an increase of 6.4%).  weeks if Russian aggression against Ukraine
       to support the crashing Russian equity   Gas from the Shah Deniz field began in   shows no signs of letting up.
       markets.                            December 2006, and is currently exported   South Korean oil reserves at the moment
         Sova Capital estimated that the volume-  to Georgia, Turkey and Europe. The   remain high, however, with the country
       weighted average price (VWAP) when   exports from the Shah Deniz field in 2021   holding well over the 90 days of strategic
       Rosneft actively purchased shares from   amounted to 17.6 bcm, which is 43.6%   reserves recommended by the IEA, albeit
       March 2020 to December 2021 stood at   higher than in 2020.              with slightly more currently held in private
       RUB367 per share and $5 per GDR, which   The contract for the development of the   enterprises compared with state facilities.
       is 63-65% below the respective average   Shah Deniz field was signed in Baku on   The MTIE remained typically tight-
       prices for Rosneft shares and GDRs in   June 4, 1996, and ratified by the parliament   lipped following the release announcement,
       January.                            on October 17 of the same year. The equity   refusing when asked to confirm actual
         Aton Equity sees the news as moderately  participation of the parties in the contract is   amounts now held, although local analysts
       positive for Rosneft, seeing the buyback as   currently as follows: BP (operator, 29.99%),   believe there to be around 89.4mn barrels
       supporting the share price in addition to   SOCAR (21.02%), LUKOIL (19.99%), NICO  remaining in state reserves after the most
       the RUB1 trillion pledged by the NWF.  (10%), TPAO (19% ).               recent release.
         BCS Global Markets believes that after                                   On the political front Seoul backs the
       the fall of the company's stock price by                                 US and other Western countries in pushing
       more than 40% in a month, the buyback   South Korea approves oil         for international sanctions against Moscow.
       "should be supportive" for Rosneft..                                     Some regional analysts have noted in recent
                                           release to take pressure off         days that Japan, and increasingly South
                                                                                Korea, are also facing pressure to reduce or
       Azerbaijan earned $1.4bn            refiners                             altogether halt purchases and infrastructure
                                                                                investments related to Russian Far East
       from oil exports, $1.3bn            The government of South Korea last week   energy sites as the war drags on.  
                                           gave the green light to release more than
                                                                                  It is understood that to make up any
       from gas exports in January         4mn barrels of oil from the country's   resulting shortfall on imports going into
                                                                                the summer – with supplies from Russia
                                           Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).
       Azerbaijan exported 2.3mn tonnes of oil in   In a statement released by the South   predicted to end around May – South
       January 2022, which is 11.4% lower than   Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and   Korean refineries would turn to African and
       the same period 2021, the government   Energy (MTIE) just two days prior to the   US suppliers.
       said in a statement. The total value of   election of new President Yoon Suk-yeol,   In January, South Korea imported over
       oil exported from Azerbaijan during the   the outgoing administration revealed   15mn barrels of US crude, an all-time
       reporting period amounted to ~$1.4bn (an   that a total of 4.42mn barrels was being   monthly high. But as the world’s fourth
       increase of 42.3%).                 released. The move comes in a bid to aid   ranking crude importer, South Korea would
         Gas exports from Azerbaijan in January   South Korea’s domestic refineries in finding   have to secure at least two very large crude
       2022 amounted to 1.98 bcm (an increase   replacements for Russian crude supplies in   carrier (VLCC) cargoes per month to
       of 10.1%). The total value of gas exported   the coming weeks.           replace current Russian imports.
       from the country during the reporting   The release follows a decision taken   Additional cargoes from Alaska and
       period amounted to $1.32bn (an increase   earlier this month alongside the 30 other   Nigeria are also being considered. Nigeria
       of 4.3 times)                       member countries of the International   in 2021 supplied South Korea with a total of
         In 2021, Azerbaijan exported ~28.1mn   Energy Agency (IEA), who agreed to a co-  7.3mn barrels during the calendar year, and
       tonnes of oil (a decrease of 1%) for $13.9bn  ordinated release of 60mn barrels of crude   over 9.3mn barrels the previous year. In the
       (an increase of 1.6 times). Gas exports   from SPRs worldwide.           process the African country became South
       from Azerbaijan in 2021 amounted to 18.9   Addressing South Korea’s release, the   Korea’s third-biggest trading partner, with
       bcm (an increase of 36.9%) for $6.46bn (an   MTIE said: “The decision aims to seek   much of last year’s $2bn in trade made up of
       increase of 2.3 times).             stability in the energy market both at home   Nigerian oil and gas shipments. 
         Azerbaijani gas is currently exported to   and abroad, and to express our solidarity
       Georgia, Turkey and Europe for consumers   with the US and other member nations by
       in Italy, Greece and Bulgaria.      sending a message that energy resources   Kazakh oil output up by 14%
                                           cannot be used as a geopolitical tool.”
                                              There has been some questioning of the   y/y in 2021
       Azerbaijan increased gas            move at home, though, with one manager   Oil production in Kazakhstan jumped
                                           at a South Korean refinery quoted as saying:
       exports from Shah Deniz by          “It wasn’t entirely necessary for the state to   by 14% y/y in 2021 with daily production
                                           tap into the SPR because Russian oil makes
                                                                                reaching 1.7bn barrels of oil, according to
       9% in January-February              up a very small portion of South Korea’s   the latest figures published by energyprom.
                                           overall crude imports ... Nevertheless, the
       The export of Azerbaijani gas from the Shah   4mn barrels of state reserve barrels would   That marks Kazakhstan’s overall
       Deniz field in January-February amounted   more than cover any shortfall in Russian   recovery from the dip in production during
       to 3.2 bcm, which is 9.3% higher than the   crude intake in the near term, and buy us   the COVID-19 pandemic as Kazakhstan
       same period in 2021, according to the State   enough time to fix other alternative supply   gradually boosted its output from the 2020
       Statistics Committee.               deals.”                              levels. 
         The share of gas exports from the Shah   Since 2019, South Korea has purchased   Kazakhstan produced 6.7mn tonnes of
       Deniz field accounted for 46.9% of the total   an average of almost 3.7mn barrels per   crude oil in January, up by 14.2% from the
       volume of gas transported through main   month of various types of Russian crude.   level recorded in January 2021.
       gas pipelines in the reporting period. In   It is thought that supplies of Russian sweet
       general, in January-February 2022, the main   crudes from the Far East and Black Sea

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