Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 23 2021
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UPSTREAM 30mn cubic metres per day; broad transparency of its divestment projects
2. Repositioning of regasification vessel from and portfolio management and informs that the
Petrobras on scheduled the Pecém LNG Regasification Terminal to the subsequent steps will be disclosed to the market
Bahia Terminal (TRBA), with the capacity to in accordance with the company’s Methodology
stoppage of Mexilhão offer an additional 14mn cubic metres per day; for Divestments and Decree 9188/2017.
3. Positioning in the LNG supply ships and
Petrobras, June 09 2021
and Route 1 cargo market;
4. Negotiation of a new interruptible con-
Petrobras informs that it will start on August tract for a temporary increase in imports from PETROCHEMICALS
15 the scheduled stoppage for 30 days of the Bolivia.
Mexilhão platform and Route 1 pipeline, which As an additional measure, Petrobras will rec- Petrobras reports on
outflows natural gas produced in Mexilhão and oncile the maintenance of Mexilhão platform
in other pre-salt and post-salt platforms in the and Route 1 gas pipeline with the scheduled the sale of petrochemical
Santos Basin. stoppages of its own and third-party thermoe-
The intervention on Mexilhão platform lectric plants, thus reducing the demand for nat- company stake
and Route 1 gas pipeline was planned several ural gas from these thermoelectric plants during
months in advance, considering its complexity the stoppage period and increasing their gener- Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-
and the need for contracting goods and services ation availability in the remaining dry period. tunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the
and coordinating the availability of resources The thermoelectric stoppage schedule was artic- sale of its entire 27.88% stake in Deten Química,
required for its execution. The scheduled stop- ulated in advance with the National Electric Sys- located in the Camaçari industrial complex, in
page was communicated to the National Petro- tem Operator (ONS), seeking the least possible the state of Bahia.
leum Agency in October 2020, in the Annual impact on the sector. The reduction in the supply The teaser, which includes key information
Production Programmes (PAP) and specific of electricity generated by thermal plants will be about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility
meetings with the MME/CMGN-Natural Gas of approximately 3 thousand megawatts during criteria for selection of potential participants,
Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Mines the stoppage period, compared with a total nat- is available on the Petrobras website. The main
and Energy and ONS in March 2021. ural gas thermal generation capacity in the coun- subsequent stages of the project will be reported
The stoppage will enable preventive mainte- try of about 15,000 MW and a total installed to the market in due course.
nance and improvements at the facilities, ensur- generation capacity, considering all sources, of Deten manufactures and markets the main
ing continuity and safety in natural gas flow and about 170,000 MW (system capacity data from raw materials for the production of liquid and
supply operations. The highlights of the stoppage the ONS website). powder biodegradable detergents. It is the only
are: Petrobras, June 04 2021 domestic producer of Linear Alkylbenzene
1. Inspection of NR-13 equipment (Regula- (LAB), the precursor to Linear Alkylbenzene
tory Standard on safety inspection and opera- Sulfonate Acid (LABSA), of which it is also the
tion of pressure vessels, boilers and piping) and DOWNSTREAM manufacturer. It also produces Heavy Alkylate
SPIE (In-house Equipment Inspection Service), (ALP), used in lubricant additives and textile oil.
which must comply with the maximum dead- Petrobras comments Petrobras, June 02 2021
lines designated by the standard.
2. Compliance with Critical Inspection Rec- on the sale of RLAM
ommendations with maturities from August SERVICES
2021. These interventions are in equipment nec- Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
essary for the gas production and delivery pro- on March 24, 2021, informs that the General Aker Solutions secures
cess and require the interruption of the systems Superintendence of the Administrative Coun-
to which they are associated, requiring the shut- cil for Economic Defense (CADE) approved subsea services framework
down of platform operations to safe execution of the transaction for the sale of Landulpho Alves
planned services. Refinery (RLAM) to Mubadala Capital. agreement with Petrobras
3. An important part of the activities refers to The transaction is still subject to the elapse
internal components of the equipment in opera- of the 15-day period imposed by Law 12,529/11 Aker Solutions has been awarded a large frame-
tion and without access for inspection or testing, and the fulfillment of other conditions prece- work agreement from Petrobras to provide sub-
thus the postponement of the intervention can dent provided for in the share purchase and sale sea lifecycle services for Petrobras-operated oil
lead to operational risks or unscheduled stop- agreement. and gas fields offshore Brazil. The agreement
pages, further impairing the gas flow to UTGCA Petrobras reinforces its commitment to the has a fixed period of three years and includes an
- Caraguatatuba Gas Treatment Unit. option to extend the contract for two additional
Therefore, the scheduled stoppage cannot be years.
postponed, as it aims at operational safety and The scope of the agreement covers the full
compliance with regulatory deadlines. range of subsea lifecycle services for several
The company notified customers of the stop- Petrobras-operated fields offshore Brazil. This
page, under the contractually established terms, will include inspection, maintenance, repairs,
and continues to take actions to mitigate impacts upgrades and spares supply as well as installation
on gas supply during the stoppage. The solutions and commissioning services. The framework
involve: agreement is effective from June 2021 and will
1. Expansion of the capacity of the Guana- be managed from Aker Solutions’ service base
bara Bay Regasification Terminal from 20mn to in Rio das Ostras in Rio de Janeiro.
Week 23 10•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15