Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 23 2021
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
Longtail-3 identified new hydrocarbon reservoirs below the Longtail-1 discovery (Image: ExxonMobil)
The Stena DrillMAX’s next target will be Whip- next year, followed by Payara in 2024 and Yel-
tail-1, while the Noble Sam Croft will carry out lowtail in 2025. Guyana’s Environment Protec-
development drilling work at the Liza-2 site, it tion Agency (EPA) is currently holding public
said. discussions of the Yellowtail scheme.
The company did not comment on the pro- In related news, ExxonMobil Guyana
spectivity of Whiptail-1, but it did say it there reported last week that it expected to finish
was evidence that non-commercial hydrocar- re-installing parts of the flash gas compressor
bon reserves were present at Koebi-1, another (FGC) on the Liza Destiny, the FPSO that is
exploration well recently completed at Stabroek. being used to develop Liza-1. It named these
Conditions appear to be more favourable in parts as a newly re-designed third-stage dis-
other sections of the block, with “the Mako-2 charge venturi and an upgraded discharge
evaluation well [confirming the quality, thick- silencer and said that the FGC system was on
ness and areal extent of the reservoir,” it stated. track to resume full-capacity operation in the
“When integrated with the previously near future.
announced discovery at Uaru-2, the data sup- ExxonMobil Guyana is serving as oper-
port a potential fifth floating production storage ator of Stabroek and has a 45% stake in the
and off-loading [FPSO] vessel in the area east of 26,800-square km acreage. The remaining
the Liza complex,” it added. equity is split between Hess, a US independ-
Liza-1, which came online in December ent company, with 30%, and China National
2019, is the first section of Stabroek to begin oil Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), with 25%. The
production. ExxonMobil Guyana and its part- partners have already made 19 discoveries at the
ners hope to bring the Liza-2 field on stream block.
Stena Carron resumes drilling at
Jabillo-1 well after brief suspension
EXXONMOBIL (US) and its partners have active at the Jabillo-1 site until July 30.
resumed work at Jabillo-1, the second explora- ExxonMobil had spudded the well in mid-
tion well at the Canje block offshore Guyana. March, shortly after using the Stena Carron to
Westmount Energy, an indirect shareholder complete the Koebi-1 exploration well at the
in Canje, said in a statement last week that the neighbouring Stabroek block. However, it sus-
Stena Carron drillship was due to proceed with pended drilling shortly afterwards because the
drilling operations on June 5. It did so around drillship was due for maintenance.
the same time that Guyana’s Maritime Admin- At that time, the US super-major said it
istration Department (MARAD) issued a notice expected to return to Jabillo-1 in the second half
saying that the drillship was expected to remain of May.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 23 10•June•2021