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MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Delays coming to an end for

       ADNOC as CNOOC joins the party

       China’s CNOOC has joined Abu Dhabi’s Lower Zakum consortium just as signs
       were emerging that ADNOC would resume offshore contracting activity

        UAE              ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) post-  Chinese involvement
                         poned bidding contests for work on oil and gas  This week, ADNOC agreed to the transfer of
                         projects earlier this year as COVID-19 took its  rights in the Lower Zakum and Umm Shaif and
       WHAT:             toll. However, the company is now nearing set-  Nasr offshore concessions from CNOOC Ltd,
       ADNOC is set to resume   ting dates for submissions as it hopes to resume  the overseas arm of China National Offshore Oil
       bidding for work at major   contracting before the end of the year.  Corp. (CNOOC), to fellow Chinese company
       oil and gas developments   Projects affected by the delays include the  China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC).
       as it seeks to bounce   $1.5Bn Umm Shaif gas cap and packages for   The transfer will see CNOOC acquire a 40%
       back from the lockdown.  development of the offshore Hail & Ghasha sour  interest in CNPC’s majority-owned subsidiary
                         gas fields.                          PetroChina Investment Overseas (Middle East)
       WHY:                                                   Ltd.
       International contractors   Umm Shaif                    PetroChina holds a 10% interest in the Lower
       are vital to the UAE’s   For Umm Shaif, ADNOC is awaiting commer-  Zakum concession and a 10% interest in the
       development of its on-   cial bids for front-end engineering and design  Umm Shaif and Nasr concession. As a result
       and offshore fields.  (FEED) work, while bidding for engineering,  of the transfer, CNOOC will hold a 4% inter-
                         procurement and construction (EPC) work was  est in the Lower Zakum concession and a 4%
       WHAT NEXT:        also pushed back during Q2. Consortia of Abu  interest in the Umm Shaif and Nasr concession,
       The growing role of   Dhabi-based National Petroleum Construction  while PetroChina will retain a 6% stake in the
       Chinese companies in the   Co. (NPCC) with UK-headquartered Technip-  concessions.
       Emirati oil and gas sector   FMC and Saipem with Petrofac are understood   The deal follows the mid-2019 signing of a
       has been emphasised   to be involved in the bidding for Umm Shaif,  comprehensive framework agreement between
       by CNOOC’s entry to the   alongside McDermott of the US.  ADNOC and CNOOC to explore new oppor-
       Lower Zakum, Umm Shaif   The project is the first to be executed under  tunities to collaborate in up- and downstream as
       and Nasr concessions.  ADNOC’s “integrated gas strategy,” which was  well as in LNG.
                         launched in November 2018. The initiative   In the Lower Zakum concession, CNOOC
                         encompasses plans to exploit the gas caps at  joins a consortium led by ONGC Videsh (10%),
                         several of the emirate’s maturing offshore and  INPEX Corp. (10%), CNPC (6%), Eni (5%), and
                         onshore oilfields. Umm Shaif is one of the com-  Total (5%), with ADNOC holding its customary
                         pany’s oldest and largest, having been on stream  60% stake. ADNOC and CNOOC are joined
                         since 1962 and producing around 275,000 bpd  in the Umm Shaif and Nasr concessions by Eni
                         of crude. When France’s Total, Italy’s Eni and  (10%), Total (20%), and CNPC (6%).
                         PetroChina acquired the combined 40% share-  Chinese state firms have also been increas-
                         holding allocated to foreign partners in the  ingly involved in Abu Dhabi’s upstream sector
                         newly created concession for Umm Shaif and  since CNPC was awarded a stake in the conces-
                         the nearby Nasr fields, a target was adopted of  sion for emirate’s main onshore oilfields in early
                         raising gas output at the former by around 5.2  2017.
                         bcm per year.
                           TechnipFMC subsidiary Genesis Oil & Gas  Hail & Ghasha
                         carried out a conceptual study on the scheme,  Meanwhile, there are thought to be four EPC
                         and the project is provisionally anticipated to  packages on offer for Hail & Ghasha, worth as
                         include new wellhead, gas-processing, separa-  much as $10Bn, following the submission of
                         tion and riser platforms, along with pipelines  technical bids in Q4 2019.
                         and cabling. Onshore work will also be required   OMV had been working with ADNOC
                         to modify the existing gas-processing facilities at  and the US’ Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) at the
                         Das Island. Completion of the fast-track scheme  Dalma, Ghasha and Hail fields since 2016 under
                         is envisaged in 2022.                a four-year contract encompassing seismic sur-
                           Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) under-  veys, drilling and engineering, and had been tak-
                         stands that bidding on Umm Shaif will resume  ing the lead on some of the early contracting on
                         imminently.                          the development of the three assets.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2020
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