Page 12 - EurOil Week 49 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Turkey defends checks on oil tankers,

       Western leaders seek resolution

        EUROPE           OIL tankers continue to queue up in Turkish  (CPC) pipeline through Russia and is sold as
                         waters, with Turkey’s maritime authority saying  Moscow’s flagship Urals blend, which could
       The issue could be   on December 8 that it would continue to block  explain why tankers carrying Kazakh crude
       connected with the fact   the passage of ships without appropriate insur-  are facing extra scrutiny. Kazakhstan launched
       that Kazakh crude is   ance letters, describing the checks as “routine  plans in June to create its own separate blend,
       still marketed as Urals   procedure.”                  Kazakhstan Export Blend Crude Oil (KEBCO),
       oil.                The shipping delays follow the EU and G7’s  to distinguish its supplies from Russian volumes,
                         introduction of a price cap on Russian seaborne  partly to avoid the hefty discount to Brent that
                         oil supplies on December 5, prohibiting com-  Urals now trades at due to sanctions and reduced
                         panies within their jurisdictions from insuring  demand in the West.
                         tankers carrying Russian crude unless it is sold   Likewise, the European Commission has
                         at no more than $60 per barrel. The UK, the US  insisted that there is no connection with the oil
                         and the EU are in talks with Ankara to resolve the  price cap, as there is a 45-day wind-down period
                         issue affecting traffic through the Bosphorus and  starting on December 5 for insurers and shipping
                         Dardanelles straits linking the Black and Medi-  companies to comply.
                         terranean seas.                        Moscow has also expressed concern about the
                           The deputy secretary of the US Treasury,  blockage.
                         Wally Adeyemo, told Turkish Deputy Foreign   “We are aware of this situation. Of course
                         Minister Sedat Onal on December 7 that the  it causes us concern from the point of view
                         price cap only applied to oil originating from  of the interests of our operators,” Russian
                         Russia and “does not necessitate additional  Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko
                         checks on ships passing through Turkish terri-  said on December 7. “This problem is being
                         torial waters.” But according to reports, many  discussed with transport and insurance com-
                         tankers that have been held up this week were  panies. After all, insurance companies insure,
                         carrying Kazakh rather than Russian oil.  not the state. If the problem is not solved, of
                           Notably, the majority of Kazakh oil is  course, there will be involvement on the polit-
                         exported via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium  ical level.” ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   12•December•2022
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