Page 4 - EurOil Week 49 2022
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Can Russia sneak gas into the EU

       via a Turkish gas hub?

       Russia may be hoping to maintain a portion of its former market share in Europe indirectly.

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA has been eagerly pushing for the fur-  Meanwhile, Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine
                         ther development of Turkey as a “gas hub” for  means that the cutting off of Russian gas tran-
       WHAT:             its gas supplies to Europe. Analysts are asking if  sit via that 100 bcm per year route is a constant
       Russia wants to expand   this simply a ruse to dodge sanctions and sur-  risk. That leaves only the 31.5 bcm per year
       Turkey’s role as a gas   reptitiously continue to export gas to EU mem-  TurkStream pipeline that runs under the Black
       hub and has resumed gas   bers that are trying to wean themselves off their  Sea to Turkey as a functioning transport route,
       flow to Azerbaijan.  Russian dependency. Many EU members have  although only half of this capacity is used to
                         pledged to stop importing Russian supplies alto-  pump gas to Europe, while the remainder is ded-
       WHY:              gether over the coming years.        icated to the Turkish market.
       This indicates that Russia   Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed   Russia has proposed adding two more strings
       wants to find ways to hold   establishing Turkey as a hub for delivering gas  to TurkStream, in order to double its capacity.
       on to its market share in   supplies to the EU in October, after explosions  The Turkish market itself is already saturated
       Europe in spite of the EU   destroyed three of the four strands of the Nord  but Turkey enjoys not only access to Azeri and
       commitment to phase out   Stream gas pipelines that run under the Baltic  Iranian piped gas, but also LNG. And the coun-
       its supplies.     Sea on September 26.                 try is targeting first production from the offshore
                           Russia has few other remaining options  Sakarya field in 2024, which is expected to cover
       WHAT NEXT:        to send gas to Europe. Sanctions and coun-  its growing gas demand for years to come. Tur-
       The plan would take   ter-sanctions imposed by Russia and Poland  key could in theory feed all of Europe with Rus-
       time to implement and   have prevented any westward flow of Russian  sian, Azerbaijani and Iranian gas entering the
       would leave Russia very   gas to Central Europe via the 33bn cubic metre  European pipeline system from the south-east
       dependent on Turkey as a   per year Yamal-Europe pipeline that transverses  of the Continent.
       transit route.    Poland to Europe.                      Moscow has made no secret about its

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   12•December•2022
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