Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 46 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       generate credits through the operation of the   SERVICES                 water systems into nexus and storage points,
       Renewable Diesel & Renewable Hydrogen                                    allowing Breakwater to serve customers with
       Complex expected to be on-line in the first   Breakwater breaks ground   frac water blends of up to 100% recycled
       quarter of 2023.                                                         water. Collectively, BSRS and Morita will be
       TIDEWATER RENEWABLES, November 15, 2021  on second commercially          capable of treating and distributing more than
                                                                                half a million barrels of produced water per
       Citgo reports third-quarter  permitted recycling system                  day to the Midland Basin.
                                                                                BREAKWATER ENERGY PARTNERS, November
       2021 results                        to address Midland Basin             15, 2021

       Citgo Petroleum today reported its third   seismicity
       quarter 2021 financial results, including a                              ENERGY TRANSITION
       net loss of $4mn, compared to net income   Breakwater Energy Partners is pleased to
       of $3mn for the second quarter. Marking the   announce that it has broken ground on the   Clean Energy breaks ground
       company’s second consecutive quarter of   Morita commercial recycling facility, its
       positive EBITDA after three straight quarters   second Texas Railroad Commission (RRC)   on renewable natural gas
       of negative EBITDA, EBITDA in the third   Division 6 H-11 commercially permitted
       quarter was $194mn, compared to EBITDA   facility for the receipt, storage, handling,   dairy digester in joint
       of $214mn in the second quarter of 2021.   treatment and recycling of non-hazardous
       The $20mn decline in quarter over quarter   oil and gas produced water. Breakwater also   venture with TotalEnergies
       EBITDA was primarily due to the effects of a   operates nine separate non-commercial
       number of corporate events that are discussed   water recycling facilities for five operators in   Clean Energy Fuels announced it has broken
       below, as well as compressed margins in the   the Midland Basin. Once complete, Morita   ground on a renewable natural gas (RNG)
       Supply, Marketing and Lubes businesses,   will be one of the largest produced water   digester at Del Rio Dairy in Friona, TX, its
       which combined to more than offset a $55mn   recycling facilities in the Permian Basin with   first in a joint venture with TotalEnergies to
       improvement in refining EBITDA compared   throughput capacity in excess of 200,000   produce the ultra-clean transportation fuel
       to the second quarter.              barrels per day.                     which will be negative carbon intensive. All
         The decline in EBITDA compared to    Rising Permian Basin seismicity has   the RNG fuel produced at Del Rio Dairy will
       the second quarter was due in part to the   prompted the RRC to announce two separate   make its way into Clean Energy’s nationwide
       reinstatement of CITGO Petroleum employee   Seismic Response Actions (SRAs) which limit   network of RNG stations.
       salaries and benefits in the third quarter   the injection of produced water into regional   “With a growing focus on capturing
       and receipt of a few one-time benefits in the   Saltwater Disposal Wells (SWDs). The RRC   methane highlighted by the recent discussions
       second quarter that were not repeated in   has determined that produced water injection   at COP26, the Del Rio Dairy RNG project is
       the third quarter. These benefits included   into SWDs is likely a primary contributor   significant on many levels,” said Andrew J.
       insurance recoveries, net of expense, related   to the unprecedented rise in the frequency   Littlefair, president and CEO, Clean Energy.
       to Winter Storm Uri damages, returned   and intensity of earthquakes observed in   “It brings together concerned parties ranging
       insurance premiums from our property and   the Permian Basin. “With more of these   from a family-owned dairy, to one of the
       business interruption providers and dividends   seismic events shifting to the population   world’s leading and most sustainably-minded
       from OIL Insurance, the energy industry   centres near Midland, Stanton, and Big   energy companies TotalEnergies, to manage
       mutual insurer in which we have an interest   Spring, an alternative to wastewater disposal   greenhouse gas emissions and tackle global
       as a policy holder. CITGO’s Supply, Marketing   is becoming essential to operators. That is   warming. When the RNG produced here
       and Lubes businesses experienced a $20mn   what we are providing with these regional   goes into the tank of a large vehicle, it will
       decline in quarter over quarter EBITDA,   recycling facilities.” said Jason Jennaro, chief   usually be replacing a much dirtier fuel,
       primarily due to compressed margins.  executive officer of Breakwater. “Operators   demonstrating the unique qualities of RNG as
         “Better crack spreads, supported   are looking for environmentally sustainable   the cleanest fuel in the world.”
       by continued demand recovery and    alternatives to disposal within these SRAs   When completed, the Del Rio Dairy
       low inventory levels, were a welcomed   and seismic clusters, which is why system   digester project will capture the waste
       development in the third quarter despite the   interconnectivity and commercial recycling   from more than 7,500 milking cows and
       headwinds of some of our unplanned outages   is central to sensible stewardship of the water   generate an anticipated 1.1 million gallons
       and higher natural gas prices,” said CITGO   supply chain.”              of RNG annually. RNG helps Clean Energy’s
       President and CEO Carlos Jordá.        Located in southwestern Howard    customers achieve their sustainability goals
         The overall refining backdrop was   County, Morita will serve Martin, Glasscock,   by dramatically reducing their greenhouse
       improved quarter over quarter, resulting in   and Howard counties with sustainable   gas (GHG) emissions from transportation
       estimated total refining EBITDA of $198mn,   water solutions. Morita will also have   operations. Clean Energy has a target to
       compared to $143mn for the second quarter   interconnectivity to Texas’ first and largest   provide RNG at all its U.S. stations and for the
       of 2021. However, unplanned outages at both   commercial produced water recycling facility,   carbon intensity (CI) of the fuel to be zero by
       the Corpus Christi and Lake Charles refineries  Breakwater’s Big Spring Recycling System   2025.
       and planned turnaround work at Lake Charles   (“BSRS”), which was recently expanded into   CLEAN ENERGY FUELS, November 18, 2021
       and Lemont led to a reduced combined   Martin County with a large diameter pipeline
       throughput rate of 85% for the third quarter,   capable of delivering up to 360,000 barrels
       compared to 87% for the previous quarter.  per day of recycled water. Morita and BSRS
       CITGO PETROLEUM, November 15, 2021  link together numerous operators’ produced

       Week 46   18•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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