Page 8 - AsianOil Week 04 2023
P. 8

AsianOil                               PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         AsianOil

      Iran’s oil exports reportedly surging under

      banner of shipments from Malaysia

        IRAN             IRAN’S oil exports are reportedly surging thanks  barrels/day of oil in November, and in December
                         to shadow market barrels sent to China under  stayed near the highest level seen in four years.
       Malaysia was the third-  the banner of shipments from Malaysia.  Malaysian waters have long been used by oil
       biggest provider of oil to   The official data show Malaysia as China’s  traders dodging sanctions by transferring crude
       China last month.  third-biggest provider of crude last month,  and petroleum products from one tanker to
                         behind only Saudi Arabia and Russia, but Malay-  another, sometimes disguising the origin. Bar-
                         sian exports to China on that scale are unfeasi-  rels from Iran and Venezuela are known to have
                         ble, noted Bloomberg on January 20, saying they  been re-branded as oil from Malaysia and Oman
                         were almost triple the average daily crude output  before being shipped to China, the world’s big-
                         from the Southeast Asian nation over 9M22.  gest oil importer.
                           “China’s crude imports from Iran picked up to   The records show that during last year
                         a new record in the last month of 2022,” Armen  China imported 35.7mn tonnes of crude from
                         Azizan, an analyst at Vortexa, said in a report. It  Malaysia.
                         also noted that Iran—which has to sell oil under   Officially, China has only imported oil from
                         the radar given US sanctions—exported 1.3mn  Iran four times since the end of 2020. ™

       Pakistan to receive Russian crude in March

        PAKISTAN         WEEKS of negotiations have led to an agree-  economic co-operation accords and agreed to
                         ment by Pakistan and Russian concerning the  work on a comprehensive plan for energy co-op-
       Pakistan will pay in   importing to Pakistan of Russian crude oil. Paki-  eration that would be completed during 2023.
       currencies considered   stan will pay for the discounted crude with cur-  The two sides also agreed to further their
       “friendly” to Moscow.  rencies that are “friendly” to Moscow, according  plans for the proposed Pakistan Stream Gas
                         to Russian Energy Minister Nikolay Shulginov,  Pipeline project, which was originally agreed by
                         who was in Islamabad for an annual intergov-  the two countries in 2015 with a plan that Russia
                         ernmental trade and economy meeting, on Janu-  would build the 1,100-km pipeline and operate it
                         ary 19. The deal is expected to be concluded and  for 25 years, after which ownership would trans-
                         deliveries begin by late March.      fer to Pakistan. The government of Imran Khan
                           The volume of oil that Moscow will supply  renegotiated the deal whereby Pakistan would
                         was not disclosed, but Pakistan has been in the  hold 74% of the project and Russia 26%. Current
                         grip of an energy crisis for a considerable time,  cost estimates for infrastructure construction are
                         spanning the course of the Covid-19 pandemic  put at around $2.25bn.
                         and the market turmoil resulting from Russia’s   The project was initially known as the North-
                         invasion of Ukraine. Russia has addressed the  South, or PakStream pipeline. It will stretch from
                         international sanctions levelled against it for  the port of Karachi on the Arabia Sea coast to
                         the invasion by selling its crude oil at a discount.  Kasur in Punjab. Considering the demands that
                         India and China are major customers for Russian  Russia is now facing with its war in Ukraine,
                         oil despite the sanctions.           it is unclear as to when Moscow will have the
                           Pakistan’s energy problems are exacerbated  resources available to devote to the project.
                         by a balance of payments crisis leaving it unable   Earlier this week Pakistan experienced a near
                         to purchase oil and LNG at international prices,  nationwide energy blackout brought about by an
                         which have skyrocketed. The country’s foreign  attempt by the government to conserve energy.
                         exchange reserves have declined to $4.6bn,  Hoping to save fuel, the authorities agreed to
                         enough to cover three weeks of the country’s  have the electricity turned off during the low
                         imports.                             usage hours overnight. But the move left the sys-
                           During the eighth session of the Paki-  tem without enough energy to boot up the sys-
                         stan-Russia Intergovernmental Commission,  tem on Monday morning, resulting in a power
                         which was co-chaired by Shulgirov and Paki-  outage throughout the country for 12 hours or
                         stani Minister for Economic Affairs Sardar  more. At technical fault caused a similar nation-
                         Ayaz Sadiq, the two sides signed a number of  wide blackout in Pakistan in January 2021. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 04   27•January•2023
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