Page 19 - FSUOGM Week 06 2021
P. 19

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Capital reports. Kobolev expects that such   procurement and construction contracts, as   during a Taliban visit to Turkmenistan for
       issues will be considered at Ukrnafta’s next   part of the modernisation and reconstruction   talks.
       shareholder meeting.                of the refinery in Baku, Azerbaijan.   The Taliban, to everyone’s surprise, in
         Interfax-Ukraine also reported on    The overall contracts' value equalled   February 2018 announced support for the
       January 28 that Naftogaz had sent a letter   $160mn, it added.           TAPI project in exchange for a future share
       to the minority shareholders of Ukrnafta   Maire Technimont said in a press release:   of transit revenues.
       calling for a shareholders meeting as soon   “The scope of the two contracts entails the   "Without a doubt, the immediate
       as possible.                        installation of three new generation refining   construction of such projects as TAPI.
         Minority shareholders aligned with   units which are are crucial to upgrade the   and railroads between Turkmenistan and
       Kolomoisky have already filed legal   quality of gasoline to the EURO-5 standard.   Afghanistan will help achieve peace and
       complaints against the Ukrainian    Both projects will be executed in the Heydar   economic development in Afghanistan,"
       government in 2016 demanding        Aliyev Oil Refinery, where Tecnimont and   Taliban spokesman Mohammad Soheil
       compensation for an alleged $4.67bn in   KT-Kinetics Technology are already jointly   Shahin told journalists in Ashgabat after
       losses. According to Ukraine’s Justice   executing an EPC contract awarded in 2018.  talks.
       Minister Denys Maliuska, the Arbitration   The projects under new EPC contracts are   Turkmen state media did not report on
       Court in Stockholm might rule on this   expected to be completed respectively within   the meeting.
       case in February 2021. He estimated the   33 months and 26 months from the signing   The 1,814-kilometre TAPI pipeline is set
       potential loss for the government from the   date.                       to run from  Turkmenistan’s Galkynysh gas
       claim at about $6bn.                   “This is a major milestone for Maire   field to the Indian city of Fazilka via Herat
         “Meanwhile, the claim of Ukrnafta   Tecnimont Group's core business, since it   and Kandahar in Afghanistan and Quetta
       minorities against the government, however   allows to further consolidate the Group's   and Multan in Pakistan.
       absurd it could look at first glance, is a   industrial footprint in the strategic   The pipeline’s costs are estimated at
       risk that should not be ignored. If the   Azerbaijani market and in the crucial natural   $10bn.
       minorities win their claim in Stockholm,   resources transformation sector. Moreover,
       their leverage in Ukrnafta will significantly   it confirms the orientation of the Group
       increase. Moreover, in such [a] case, it   to leverage its distinctive competencies,   North Macedonia will
       might happen that the government will have  technological know-how and synergies
       to compensate the minorities by providing   between its EPC contractors.”  build a pipeline to import
       them some shares in Ukrnafta, which would   Pierroberto Folgiero, Maire Tecnimont
       result in losses for Naftogaz,” Paraschiy said.  Group CEO, commented: "We are really   Azerbaijani gas
         This is not the first time that the idea of   honored to put once again our technological
       splitting the two companies has come up.   expertise at the service of an historical and   North Macedonia will hold a tender for
       The government was toying with the idea in   prestigious client such as SOCAR, thus   the construction of a 68-km gas pipeline
       2019, but dropped it in August of that year.  consolidating our successful, longtime   from Negotino to Gevgeli that will import
         "Now the idea of splitting Ukrnafta   collaboration aimed at unlocking greater   Azerbaijani gas, APA reported February 8.
       between its shareholders is no longer   value in Azerbaijan's downstream value   Northern Macedonia's transport minister,
       relevant," Yuriy Vitrenko, the executive   chain. This achievement lets us foster a   Blagoj Bocvarski, made the announcement
       director of the Naftogaz group, said at the   mutually beneficial relationship and paves   after discussions with Azerbaijan.
       time. Vitrenko was recently proposed by   the way to future growth, confirming the   According to the report, the construction
       Zelenskiy for the post of Energy Minister,   reliability of our technology-driven strategy."  of the new gas pipeline will allow the country
       but was rejected by the Rada, where    Maire Tecnimont heads an industrial   to provide access to the Greek gas network
       oligarchs control almost 200 of the 422   group in the global natural resource   and, therefore, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline
       seats.                              processing industry (downstream oil &   (TAP).
                                           gas plant engineering, with technological   According to the minister, the
                                           and executive expertise). Its subsidiary   construction permit is expected to be issued
                                           NextChem operates in the field of green   by the middle of this year.
       CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH                chemicals and technologies in support of   It should be noted that the commercial
                                           the energy transition.ue. We will meet with   transportation of "blue fuel" through the
       CAUCASUS                            them," Koldasov said.                878-kilometre section of the Southern Gas
                                                                                Corridor (SGC) will begin later this year.
       Maire Tecnimont announces           Taliban expresses support            10bn cubic metres of gas a year from the
                                                                                  The SGC project will initially transport
       $160mn refinery works deal          for TAPI pipeline during             Shah Deniz-2 project to Europe.
                                                                                  The pipeline will run through Greece,
       with Azerbaijan’s SOCAR                                                  Albania and the Adriatic Sea to southern
       Milan Stock Exchange-listed Maire Tecnimont   Turkmenistan visit           The pipeline could double its capacity to
       has announced that its subsidiaries Tecnimont   An Afghan Taliban delegation to   20 bcm per year.
       and KT - Kinetics Technology have signed   Turkmenistan has once again expressed
       with SOCAR’s (State Oil Company of   the Taliban's interest in the Turkmenistan-
       Azerbaijan Republic’s) subsidiary Heydar   Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural-
       Aliyev Oil Refinery two engineering,   gas pipeline project. The nod of approval came

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