Page 11 - DMEA Week 37
P. 11

DMEA                                          TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       Iran carries out more

       work at South Pars

        IRAN             IRAN’S Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC) this  firms, with these companies expected to take the
                         week completed its annual overhaul at the SPD8  lead on the country’s development projects fol-
       Iran has also     offshore platform for the development of the  lowing the collapse of negotiations with IOCs to
       inaugurated the Qeshm   South Pars gas field. The news follows the recent  build out production capacity.
       oil export terminal.  announcement that fellow local firm Petropars   In late August, Petropars reported that two
                         was expected to begin drilling the first well at  locally manufactured, 2,200-tonne platform
                         the field’s Phase 11 development by the end of  jackets had been installed at SP11, enabling
                         autumn, with the country’s oil minister saying  12 wells to be drilled. Meanwhile last week,
                         that gas would “be transferred to onshore facili-  Petroleum Engineering and Development Co.
                         ties within a year”.                 (PEDEC) announced that it had increased oil
                           In a statement to the official Shana energy  production capacity at the South Yaran oilfield
                         media outlet, POGC’s director of production  by 5,000 bpd following the installation of a new
                         and operations, Alireza Ebadi, said: “With the  locally produced mobile oil separator (MOS),
                         completion of overhaul operations and the  the first time an Iranian manufactured unit had
                         replacement of the three main gas pipelines, pro-  been deployed in the West Karoun oil region.
                         duction on this platform has resumed.”
                           He added that the work had taken 25 days to  Qeshm exports
                         complete.                            Meanwhile, as Iran attempts to ramp up its pro-
                           The SPD8 platform is dedicated to South Pars  duction and export capacities, President Hassan
                         Phases 6 to 8, the output from which is dedicated  Rouhani has inaugurated the first phase of the
                         to reinjection into onshore oilfields to maintain  Direstan oil terminal on Qeshm Island.
                         production levels. Output from the three phases   Once it comes into operation, the full facil-
                         amounts to around 60,000 barrels per day of  ity will have a liquids storage capacity of nearly
                         condensate and a further 30,000-35,000 bpd of  6.5mn barrels, taking the Islamic Republic’s total
                         LPG. Around two thirds of production is under-  storage capacity to around 103mn barrels.
                         stood to be reinjected at the onshore Aghajari   Phase one will contribute 3.24mn barrels
                         field, where output is around 90,000-110,000  from six tanks. Construction on the $178mn
                         bpd.                                 project began in December last year and has
                           According to Ebadi, the scope of the over-  been carried out by local contractors in the pri-
                         haul included the calibration of 50 safety valves,  vate sector.
                         inspection of seven tanks, eliminating leakage   The second phase will double capacity
                         from defective valves, replacement of three  through the addition of another seven tanks and
                         platform gas pipelines, performing welding and  is expected to be completed during Q1 2021.
                         fit-up operations at over 90 welding points, and   The new terminal will be connected to the
                         performing radiographic and other tests on the  Gevarzin gas processing plant via a 22-km pipe-
                         welded areas.                        line, which will allow for the direct transfer of
                           Iran has been keen to talk up the capabilities  oil and refined products between Qeshm and the
                         of its domestic oil and gas operators and services  Bandar Abbas and Persian Gulf Star refineries.™

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