Page 17 - DMEA Week 37
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Nigeria hikes gasoline              government has already begun pairing   16 that it remains committed to its expansion
                                              Also, it was gathered that the
                                                                                plans despite the challenges posed by the
       price, but CNG is cheaper           private sector companies that will provide   coronavirus pandemic and will be opening a
                                                                                total of 40 additional service stations across
                                           conversion kits and refueling systems.
       As Nigerians groan over the recent increase   Also, it was gathered that there are over   the country by the end of next year.
       in price of premium motor spirit (gasoline),   30 auto-gas refueling locations currently   The first tranche of the expansion will
       the federal government assured yesterday   available to fuel either CNG or LPG   involve the opening of 16 service stations in
       that the introduction of compressed natural   nationwide.                in Dubai, Sharjah and the northern emirates
       gas (CNG) will cushion the effect of the   Industry watchers say it costs between   by the end of 2020, while the remaining 24
       price hike.                         NGN100,000 and NGN300,000 to convert   outlets will open by the end of 2021.
         Minister of State for Petroleum   a car from gasoline or diesel engine to a   This will bring the company’s retail
       Resources, Timipre Sylva, said that CNG, an   CNG engine, depending on the nature and   network to 192 stations.
       alternative to gasoline, is 40%cheaper than   condition of the car.        Markets around the world have seen
       gasoline.                              Thus, the conversion would result in up   significant declines in demand for fuel this
         Highlighting the economic benefits of   to 40% savings in energy cost for car owners   year, particularly during the coronavirus
       CNG, the minister noted that Nigerians will   and motorists.             lockdown. As of May, motor gasoline
       not feel the impact of the recent increase in   The use of CNG is to replace fuel   demand posted a 44% fall over the previous
       pump price of gasoline.             consumption and reduce excess spending   weeks, while jet fuel demand also dropped by
         According to him, the federal     on imported fuels by providing alternatives   62 percent.
       government has concluded plans to   to gasoline, diesel and kerosene.      According to ENOC, the company
       introduce the CNG by the end of October.  It is also expected the create millions of   remains resilient despite the crisis and that it
         The minister urged motorists to go for   direct and indirect jobs across the country.  is on track to meet its expansion targets.
       conversion of their vehicles from gasoline   To this effect, in January, 2020, the   “The Group is on track with its
       to gas-run engine, adding that the federal   Committee on National Gas Expansion   [expansion plans],” the company said in a
       government will ensure that the conversion   Programme (NGEP) was inaugurated by the   statement.
       will be done free of charge for all Nigerians   Minister.                  Saif Humaid Al Falasi, group CEO
       to cushion the effect of the hike in pump   To support the introduction of CNG into   of ENOC, said they are committed to
       price of gasoline                   the Nigerian market, fuel station regulations   developing a “robust retail infrastructure to
         LEADERSHIP recalls that Sylva had   have been revised by the Department of   serve the UAE for the next five decades”, in
       announced that CNG will cost between   Petroleum Resources (DPR).        accordance with the vision of His Highness
       NGN95 and 97 per litre, which is cheaper   The Nigerian National Petroleum   Shaikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
       than the rate of PMS currently pegged at   Corporation (NNPC) is set to deploy CNG   UAE vice president, prime minister and ruler
       NGN162 per litre.                   refueling equipment into 10 of its stations   of Dubai.
         While making a presentation during a   before the end of September.      “Our promise is to ensure that customers
       meeting with government delegation and   In a document titled “Nigerian Gas   have access to an uninterrupted supply
       Labour, Sylva said Nigeria lost an average of   Transportation Network Code (NGTNC)”,   of fuel as well as access to best-in-class
       NGN1bn daily between 2016 and 2019 as a   it stated that plans have reached advanced   automotive and retail services. Despite the
       result of fuel subsidy and NGN3.74bn daily   stage for the development of Autogas in   challenging times, we have demonstrated our
       before 2016.                        NNPC-owned and operated mega stations   resilience and remain committed to serve the
         He also noted that Nigeria lost NGN10.4   in the 36 states and the FCT.  nation,” Al Falasi said.
       trillion to fuel subsidy between 2016 and   The document also added that these   The upcoming ENOC outlets will have
       2019                                filling stations will offer a full complement   Zoom stores, which offer customers more
         The minister said Nigeria’s economy had   of gas products for motorists in addition to   than 7,500 products including confectionary
       not been well for a while now, adding that it   existing fuel products.  and snacks, as well as hot and cold beverages.
       has become incumbent on all to join hands   On June 30 2020, President Muhammadu   The Group also unveiled plans to build
       to see how to salvage the situation.  Buhari had launched the $2.8bn 614-km   two marine stations at Dubai Harbour and
         According to him, every successive   Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) natural   Umm Suqeim to serve the fueling needs of
       administration in country had come to   gas pipeline in Ajaokuta, Kogi State and   boat and yacht owners.
       realise that subsidy was not good for the   Rigachikun area of Kaduna State.
       economy but having the political will to   The expectation is that it would further
       implement deregulation policy has been the   improve gas supply nationwide as the gas   Syria says US sanctions
       problem.                            pipeline is expected to boost domestic
         He said that despite recent move by   gas consumption, power generation, and   behind acute fuel crisis
       federal government to introduce market   industrialization.
       pricing of fuel, Nigeria has not fully                                   Syria is experiencing worsening gasoline
       deregulated because of the concerns the                                  shortages as a result of tougher US sanctions
       government has for the people.      UAE’s ENOC to open 40 new            disrupting crucial fuel imports, its oil minister
         Sources had said the plan for CNG was                                  said Wednesday, the latest crisis to hit the war-
       to commence conversion of cars from   service stations despite           devastated country’s crumbling economy. The
       petrol-run engines to CNG-run engines in                                 Caesar Act - the toughest US sanctions which
       a sequenced approach, with the conversion   COVID-19 slowdown            came into force last June prohibiting foreign
       of public transport systems through the                                  companies trading with Damascus - had
       transport companies.                UAE’s fuel retailer ENOC said on September   disrupted several imported shipments from

       Week 37   17•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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