Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 04 2022
P. 12

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                         According to Neuquén’s Undersecretariat of   returned to previous levels. Oil yields in Decem-
                         Energy, Mining and Hydrocarbons, 17 of the   ber 2021 exceeded the figure posted in February
                         newly drilled wells were conventional wells,   2020 by 6%, he explained, while unconventional
                         while another 27 targeted tight sand formations.   oil production surged by 69% y/y.
                         As such, the other 259 wells targeted other types   Martinez also made the following comment
                         of unconventional reserves.          on the increase in oil output: “When a country
                           Energy Secretary Darío Martínez attributed   produces more, it generates more jobs, more
                         the rise of production in December to the “clear   SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises]
                         rules” laid out by the Argentinian government.   open their doors and join the sector [and] we
                         He also noted that this was the first time since   develop more added value and more national
                         the advent of the coronavirus (COVID-19)   technology – all key aspects for the economic
                         pandemic outbreak that oil production had   reactivation that we are going through.” ™

       Perupetro to offer up to seven mature

       Talara basin oil blocks to investors

                         NEW Stratus Energy (Canada) has completed   of 2022.
                         its acquisition of minority stakes in two heavy   If a PSC can be signed and the term of the
                         crude oil blocks in Ecuador’s eastern Orellana   project extended, it commented, the company
                         province from Repsol (Spain).        will commission a new reserve report that
                           The Canadian independent announced in a   reflects reserves up until the endpoint of the
                         statement dated January 14 that it had wrapped   renegotiated deal. ™
                         up the transaction on terms “equivalent to
                         those previously disclosed.” It explained that it
                         had acquired 100% of Repsol Ecuador, a local
                         subsidiary of Repsol, and had thereby gained
                         indirect 35% working interests in the service
                         contracts issued for Blocks 16 and 67. Repsol
                         Ecuador, now a fully-owned subsidiary of New
                         Stratus, will continue to serve as operator of the
                         blocks, it added.
                           Equity in Blocks 16 and 67 is now split 35%
                         to operator Repsol Ecuador, owned by New
                         Stratus; 34% to an alliance formed by two state-
                         owned Chinese companies, Sinopec and Sino-
                         chem; and 31% to Taiwan’s national oil company
                         (NOC), China Petroleum Corp. (CPC).
                           As of January 5, the two licence areas were
                         yielding a total of 14,306 barrels per day of oil,
                         with New Stratus’ net share of the total amount-
                         ing to 5,007 bpd. Their gross proven and prob-
                         able crude reserves amount to 4.506mn barrels,
                         1.577mn barrels net to New Stratus.
                           However, the Canadian company has said it
                         is ready to invest $200mn in Blocks 16 and 67 in
                         2022-2023 in order to drill 30 new development
                         wells, provided that Ecuadorean authorities
                         approve its request to switch its service con-
                         tract to a production-sharing contract (PSC). It
                         has claimed that the drilling of these new wells
                         might push output rates up to 25,000 bpd.
                           New Stratus did not say in its statement
                         whether its ongoing talks with officials in Quito
                         on the PSC issue had made any progress. It
                         noted that it would continue to work under ser-
                         vice contracts that are due to expire at the end   Map of Peru’s north-west coastal sedimentary basins (Image: Perupetro)

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 04   27•January•2022
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