Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 04 2022
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         The other 21 states have not taken this step yet,   ANP guards federal prerogatives
                         but other stakeholders – gas producers, gas   For its part, Brazil’s federal government has
                         transportation companies, gas consumers’ asso-  come out swinging, arguing strongly for the
                         ciations – have signalled that they hope to play   proposition that it ought to be entrusted with
                         a role in the process if (and when) they do so.  setting up an overarching body of rules that all
                           As such, future efforts to hammer out state-  states must follow for the sake of consistency.
                         level gas distribution rules may end up being   Earlier this week, Argus Media reported
                         an unruly process, marked by vigorous debate   separately that Brazil’s state-run oil and gas
                         among local lawmakers, representatives of mid-  regulator, the National Agency of Petroleum,
                         stream and downstream operators, consumer   Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), had asked the
                         groups and environmental advocates. They   Supreme Federal Court to consider the matter.
                         may also lead to the emergence of different sets   Specifically, it said that ANP had asked the court
                         of rules in different states, as political and con-  to rule on the legality of the São Paulo state gov-
                         sumer preferences are not uniform across the   ernment’s Decree No 65.889 defining which gas
                         country.                             pipelines are for transportation (and therefore
                           In turn, the existence of different sets of rules   under federal jurisdiction) and which are for
                         will make some states more attractive to outside   distribution (and therefore regulated at the state  ANP has argued
                         investors than others, meaning that the adoption   level).                 strongly for the
                         of new rules will not have the same financial   The agency has been sharply critical of
                         consequences everywhere.             the decree, which was approved by São Paulo   proposition that
                                                              Governor João Doria in July of last year. It has
                         States’ rights?                      expressed agreement with critics who have   it ought to be
                         In the meantime, some of the states (and some   asked whether the measure might unfairly
                         of the stakeholders) have raised the question of   benefit local distribution companies with close   entrusted with
                         whether all of the parties involved might benefit   ties to the state government by allowing them   setting up an
                         if everyone agreed to work together under a uni-  to appropriate pipelines formerly controlled by
                         form standard to be adopted and enforced by the   federal authorities.    overarching body
                         federal government.                    Additionally, it has indicated that it will
                           As Argus Media noted last week, many of   make the same case outside São Paulo. Accord-  of rules that all
                         the country’s gas producers and gas consumer   ing to Argus Media, ANP has said it will ask the
                         groups appear to favour this view. They are moti-  Supreme Federal Court to review several other   Brazilian states
                         vated largely by concern that some states might   cases in which state governments have chal-  must follow
                         authorise the use of pipelines in ways that dis-  lenged federal jurisdiction over the gas sector. It
                         regarded the needs and interests of other states   has not identified any specific instances of con-
                         using the same infrastructure.       cern but has made clear that it will guard federal
                           By contrast, Abegás, an association of gas dis-  prerogatives.
                         tributors, has called for maximising the degree   As such, the move toward liberalisation of the
                         of independence granted to state governments.   Brazilian gas market as a whole is not likely to be
                         The group has taken this stand on the grounds   smooth. It will also involve a certain amount of
                         that states have the constitutional right to pri-  wrangling with state governments over the exact
                         oritise their own individual circumstances and   nature of relations between the centre and the
                         interests when making laws.          periphery as competition expands. ™

                                              São Paulo Governor João Doria (C), pictured in 2019 (Photo:

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